inserting the "A" into STEM

STEM, Science Technology Engineering Math. It is a wonderful concoction of techno giberish of the kind that is suppose to fix us but good. Can you imagine the cold hard logic and precision of the human mentality, analytical, circuits, machines, synthetics, bio-nano-techno-diversity. Give me the gadget, show me the numbers!! What happens when there is no longer a big red push button for stop? If you put STEM in your children, can you live with the results? When that child has to apply STEM to the real world you still live in. Ooh man, show me the shuttle so I can get off this rock.

Schools cut art first to save sports. Sports, the gladiator games, OK! You can learn teamwork and grunt for physical excellence. Gladiators are good for military stuff too. And sports make money and head injuries. He's a 4.0 athlete but head butting pulverized his brain to a palsy. Dr. So and so used to be a football player and.... Oh nurse, I'm want to check out of here!

To save us from becoming totally inert, add an "A" to STEM. "A" is for ART.

What does "art" bring to the table? Design, color, composition, human sensibility, humanity. Art is in the box and out the box and use a bag if necessary. Art is the application of STEM according to us, the elegant solution that is workable, accommodates who we are, makes us comfortable, improves us, gets the job done and were not dead or dying. Art is our fingerprint. Art is the application of STEM. Without art, STEM is just research, theory. Art is visualization, planning, prototyping, producing and deployment of the final piece.

Lots of mumbo-jumbo talk by educators about STEM. It's like tooting your own horn. But if you want to play a melody you need one more note, an "A". When art is in there you can apply your STEM to what is needed.

I'm not knocking STEM, just letting off a little STEAM.

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