As a member of BSFS and a self-proclaimed Scifi fan and writer I would encourage everyone to keep their eyes focused on Star Trek: Renegades. The production is moving forward and being produced as a pilot for a web series which seeks to explore the more complex motivations of a renegade Star Fleet crew that will be compelled to take unorthodox and possibly unethical actions to preserve an under attack  Federation. (

Star Trek:Renegade is directed by (one of my personal favorites) Tim Russ, who also directed Star Trek: Of Gods and Men ( and who the viewing audience will recognize as Lt. Commander Tuvok from the Star Trek: Voyager series. Opportunities for black individuals in the director's chair don't come along as often as we would like, so when they do we should take note, and if the project appeals to us - we should give it our support, not simply in kickstarter funds but also by being as vocal as we can in sharing information about the project is as many venues as we can conceive of! 

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