life only the mind sees

One of our crowd asked when they saw my dwelling designs, what kind of advanced beings could live there. I couldn't answer at that time, had no knowledge of the future. Seeing Darwin's theory as just that, there is no evolution except something effects the being enough to be imprinted in the DNA. Then the adjustment is moved along the DNA path. If there is other genetic support, then the weight of recessive or dominate mathematics play out. There are two over riding factors you have to consider. Just as cells split to produce a twin, higher forms reproduce after their own kind. If you cross or mix or mingle your genetic pools, then their is variation. Mutation is however a weakness in the outcome, like cancer. It is an abnormality.

Also if you manipulate the language so that the consciousness of the accepted normal thinking accepts abnormality as "another intelligent life form", even if the arrangement of structure is awkward to coexist with, then you understand why we are all so screwed up.


So having said all that, advancement of our species will only happen in our minds. The mind is the only place we haven't really embraced. We control the concept of mind via political, religious and intellectual content. We have in place taboos, prejudices, restrictions and fear. You can't open doors when fear says no.

The knowledge to those pathways are blocked, hidden in the misleading rights of passage business, mythic stories turned into literal religions and fear of the unknown, judgment, hell, madness, possession, death or horrific mutilation, and being outcast or killed by relatives. This is knowledge that is no longer shared or understood by community. Especially in today's social-political-religious construct.

The antidote is simply to change your mind, to repent. Hah! I thought you religious folks would jump! Relax, I been their 40 years, blinded by sincere faith with no knowledge. The cost of liberation is time and study to know history and facts. The ability to liberate is simple, change your mind. Because god becomes a concept and a construct and a prison if we are not taught correctly. We think our religion is worship and the ritual is worship, the awareness is the real worship. This brings out an acknowledgement and respect for the power and participation in that power. Don't get a tight head!

I know it is not as easy as it sounds. Our deep do do is in our DNA via our total immersion in this present living. BUT, a change in the thoughts is all it takes to begin the process. This is how revolution works. Not by sword or by might, but by my own spirit. A spirit that witnesses firsthand. This is why our ancient forefathers had initiation rights to channel a serious viewing of inner knowing. If you are not serious, you can not see.

An advanced being does not need a dwelling except to shield his physical form from adverse elements. It is to provide protection and security while in stasis (sleep), a place for the family cluster, a place to make and eat meals, store provisions and necessities, a place to muse and display trophies (be it game or handiwork). The form of the dwelling is reflective of the technology in common use and the knowledge of the builder to expand on that to meet real needs. We don't usually build our own dwellings, we rent, lease and buy used living spaces and adapt. The physical forms of homes evolve so slow and are not the mark of advancement.

Advancement is a state of mind. Always has been, always will be. It would be nice to live in a physical world as futuristically evolved as our dreams. Check out Paul Williams who in 1960 designed the theme building at Los Angeles International Airport. Ooh, a black guy designed that!?! Double ooh, his dreams were limited because the world was not ready for that, still not. We need to barrage the world with our futuristic visions to put it in their mind that retro is not helping us inspire to an evolved mind. The other world is into global destruction, not advancement. Who is your daddy/mommy now!


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