Marvelous Sword and Sorcery!

"Valdar is city of swordslingers and necromancers, witch cults and half-human races. It's a city in a world of darkness... This is my city. This is my world." Mad Shadows, Joe Bonadonna 

Take a wisecracking detective who's handy with both sword and dowsing rod. Take a mosaic of deadly villages with evil lurking in every alleyway. Take a hoard of supernatural villains. Take all this and more and you've got Joe Bonadonna's Mad Shadows, one of the most amazing reads of my summer! 

I had a blast matching swords with "Dorgo's" enemies, hunting down treacherous beasties and seeking out magic with his dowsing rod. In short, I give Mad Shadows an enthusiastic five stars as a thoroughly enjoyable and exciting read!!! Check it out and tell them Sister moon sent you :)! 

Pick up Mad Shadows here


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