The United Protectorate is under attack by the reptilian race known as the Brelac. The Brelac’s bloodthirsty onslaught brings forth the creation of the genetically engineered Humanoid weapons known as Reploids. These Reploids are the perfect weapon. They are the identical copies of real Humans that have been captured, killed, cloned, embedded with powerful psionic based abilities, and programmed to kill for the Brelac. They are untraceable as they blend into Human society.
Colin McKenzie is a second generation Reploid planted in the Protectorate military. When he turns on his commanding officer in an attempt to protect a shipwrecked band of Brelac soldiers, he is captured and reprogrammed along with two other arrested Reploids to serve the government that they were created to destroy.
A dark alliance between the Brelac and the separatist organization Vendetta looms over the Protectorate. The balance is upset when the traitorous Doctor Howard Fenlow, the scientist who is the very creator of the Reploids, manages to produce a weapon powerful enough to bring the Protectorate to it’s knees.
And there are only three that can stop it.
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