Here's a joint I did a while back for a wedding. When I was approached to do it, I had no intention of making a 'Wedding Video' which are nothing more than just a recording of the wedding which anyone can do. I was intrigued when the couple started talking about their courtship and their fav' movie was 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' the spy/romantic comedy hit. I dug the flick too and suggested we do a movie of their wedding based upon their favorite movie. They were game and so after some serious pre-production, we got the ball rolling.
Using my regular photographer's studio which happened to be in the city where the couple lived, we converted it into a movie set complete with greenscreen, lights and the whole 'schebang'. With a combo of sit down interviews and some fun sessions of the couple and the wedding party getting their 'spy on', the first part of the production went off without a hitch.
The next day, we lost our grip to the flu so yours truly turned into a one-man shoot (not that I haven't done it before, I just try to avoid it!) The couple made sure everyone knew we were shooting a movie and not a video so the guests behaved and gave the Photog and me plenty of latitude to work without hassles.
The whole gig was loooong hours for me, but we were able to get some great footage and turn a nice wedding into a memorable event. So if you've got 20 minutes to spare, take a look at 'Mr. & Mrs. 'H.'' and see how the everyday can be made special....