My Father Found Bin Laden... A Children's Book

          There are many things that an artist can do to fulfill himself, paint, drawing, storyboarding, etc.

           I have always been fond of the Dr. Seuss books, even unto this day and wanted to illustrate

           something that would be just as unique as his titles.

           I think this is it.

             My Father Found Bin Laden is about following the humorous misadventures of a young

            girl who adores her father who is a navy doctor and wishes for him to come home

             dearly... but first Bin Laden must be found.

              Yes, indeed... he must.

               Brought to you by Window Sill Children's Book headed by writer Donna Matthews.

    She has received a BA in Social Work from Morgan State University and a Masters in Fine Arts from the American Film institute. Donna is a strong advocate for children and cares about the issues children must contend with on a daily basis. The Window Sill Children’s Series was created to give children a voice. Many of these generations’ children are dealing with abandonment issues.

         For me as an artist, this is a goldmine for creativity... since I have been assigned to illustrated

         all six titles in the series.

          I hope that you will find this children's literature interesting enough to pick up a copy

          at or tell your friends about it.  Here is the link below.




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