My Fellow Americans, As Is it here with true joy in my heart as America elects it’s first black president my eyes have wells up with excitement that which a person rarely sees in life. Barack Obama’s win is not just a win for Barack or a win for Black people, but a win for the American People and all people that have struggled for a just cause. This time is one of the turning points in our evolution as a species another jump in our ability to conquer evil and unjustness as we have done in the past as seen in the 1960s during the civil rights era. This man is but a symbol of what we as a people can become when you do thing s the right and just way, have faith in God and refuse to give up on what is right and good. We can honestly say to our children that they can be anything they set out to be when they grow up when they make the right choices and have God on their side. I am use again optimistic that we all can work together as one to create a more perfect union in this country we cam America. God Bless America