Of course, It's been a long, long time since I've been here. Mostly because I've been living life - work and family (we just had our first baby in September) but also because I decided not to be as addicted to the internet in 2010. And I must say, apart from my facebook addiction, I did okay.
Unfortunately, I did not write much fiction. I didn't work on the Ironics novel consistently or finish any of my other projects. Sad, I know. I wrote quite a bit for my job but neglected my fiction.
But no more --- at least, not for November! Although I am incredibly busy (did I mention we have a newborn? LOL), I am on a leave from teaching my courses and figure this is the only year I will be sure to have a chance to participate in National Novel Writing Month ( If you don't know what it is, check it out here - nanowrimo.org). So, I'm throwing in my hat and picking up the pen. I plan on plugging through my 50,000 words and not looking back. I'm hoping that spending time just slogging through the zero draft will help me get it done.
Anyone else participating this November? If so, what are you working on?