I was thinking the other day of the effects typing consistently in comparison to writing and transferring to electronics. This as I realized, even though I am left handed, on the computer some fine tuned things are dobe with my right hand. With this thought came realization that I miss writing. My left hand expresses differently than using both hands to type letter. I enjoy creating, shaping letters to look the way I want them to look. I also enjoy finding the perfect font. The enjoyment is not even, they are acknowledged. The personal touch of a pen can not be compared. At all. Should we be paying attention to how slowly we are conforming into writing similarly with individual thoughts? Hmmm
Still thinking about that.
It is often a world of searching, connecting, searching more and moving on for me. An artist for life, photography, and poetry were my pathways in NYC during younger years. Later poetry stayed, with photography popping it's head up from time to time. Throughout it all, science fiction was a backbone of entertainment and independent thought, stimulating my brain...thankfully. Clockwork Orange was major, the colors and the mentality combined... incredible. Shibumi, (novel), Octavia Butler -everything- with "Wild Seed" at the top of the list.
Then one day I wrote a book, Small Town Planet Earth. A scifi, mystical novel that gives an example of living life without being guided by fear, with good guys and bad guys & a little life magic. Completion was a unexpected, wonderful feeling. Time went on.
New Mac entered my life, and of course I had to write, SOMETHING.....sitting at my laptop...I..waited.....until, words began to come. Fast forward to present day...five successful performance reads later. Starting in Atlanta, to D.C. to NY...tweaking from feedback to where we are now....finally, my play, with an excellent cast, "Colored Lives" is coming to the stage.
This is a light scifi story...writer speaking to her ancestor about her play. Actor's lives become entwined within the performance. The magic is in the merging; the easy conquest over apparent issues. The magic of love. The magic of the written word is profound. Thoughts.....