Post title: 1st heard in US Air Force; title of Google e-book: "Rigid Flexibility - the Logic of Intelligence,"Pei Wang, author.
John Maynard Keynes, when accused of being inconsistent, said, "When I get new information, I change my position. What, sir, do you do with new information?"
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The poorest people in the world face additional hunger as the price of staple foods soar.
The growth of crops in 2012 has been badly affected by drought in the US and Russia and prices have risen 50% since June.
According to a report about the hike in food prices, from the international agency Oxfam, 40% of US corn stocks are currently being used to produce fuel.
The US Renewable Fuel Standard mandate requires that up to 15 billion gallons of domestic corn ethanol be blended into the US fuel supply by 2022.
The chairman of the world's largest food producer is highly critical of the rise in bio-diesel.
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe of Nestle says crops produced for biofuel use land and water which would otherwise be used to grow crops for human or animal consumption.
His comments have ignited discussion about the second generation of biofuels.