Scheduling Your #Writing

It's important that you get your family involved in your writing process. If you're like me, then you have to actually work for a living. Also, if you're like me, you have a family. Both require a considerable amount of attention and thus, take away from the time you have to write on a daily basis. If you've read my previous post on setting writing goals, that's only half the picture. I've fallen way short of meeting mine simply because when I've been able to write has been sporadic at best.

Again, get your family involved. Work, you really can't do anything about unless you can set your own hours. But it would be to your benefit to create a schedule, discuss it with your family, make your adjustments, and then implement.

I've enclosed my Writing Schedule. The green are my blocks for writing, but that doesn't necessarily mean those are the only times I can write. I still use my smartphone when I walk the dog to write using Google Drive. And I tend to stay up later than my wife at times and I might steal a moment or two then.

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