Sci-fi Fantasy Art Controversy

I'm failry new to this particular site and have found it to be interesting so far. In due process, I am currently working on homework assignment and since my favorite topics involves Sci-fi/ fantasy/Comic art, I have decided to post a series of questions for my homework assignment here.They are as follows:In the past, or during your childhood, was there a particular work, theme or image in the category of science fiction/fantasy artwork or films that you favored but was considered “wrong or “demonic” by either : your relatives, friends religious groups? Why was that particular piece of art your favorite? Why would the others that you knew view it as “bad” or “demonic”? If misunderstood as being “bad” what was your explanation or evidence to clarify the image to being harmless or just a misunderstanding? If you came to the conclusion that the image was bad as a final result what is your reason? How is it looked upon today?How do you compare some of the sci-fi works that are created today in comparison with what you have experienced in the past? What do you think would cause society to look at that particular type of art/film differently and/ or change their way of looking at it? Is the controversy still evident today as it is in the past? And what reasons do those individuals (or yourself) have to back up those reasons?Just to give a brief example, during my childhood, I grew up in the south (Central Florida) and I had a fascination for drawing dragons anthros and mythical creatures. I was condemned and judged by church members and a few folks in my family because their hypothesis is based on just a few scriptures in the Bible, giving them circular reasoning as to why all dragons are evil. Not only that, I was always pestered with questions such as, "why can't I draw landscape sceneries, or people?" Grant it, I can draw people and just about anything I lay my eyes across, I just find it boring to draw. Since at that particular time I was at a very young age, I had difficulty explaining my intended purpose for drawing mythical creatures and that my art had no evil intentions behind them. Besides,the dragons I created doesn't look like anything that the scriptures describes.

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