There is a time in our lives where we have to step up to the plate. I would like to like to share my story of how I transition from Window Movie Maker to Sony Vegas Pro. For our Window Movie Maker fans; I have used this software for slideshows and short videos.I loved the simplicity and how I was able to render it fast.  My mentality was it is enough to get by.

      When I moved from Greenville to Jonesboro and went to Arkansas State for a year. My first year of graduate school majoring in Mass Communication: Radio and Television was challenging. When I  was in computer lab working in IMovie on a show. I was challenged by group of students asking me, " Why are you using IMovie?" A professor came and challenged me to use Final Cut Pro. My thought process was I want to do enough to get by.

         When I was approach to do Kollege Kids; I became the visual/animation coordinator being in charge of the visuals. When it came to the editing; I thought I could use Window Movie Maker to get by. However Window Movie Maker cannot handle and render lengthy HD video. It constantly crashed and I knew I had to get an editing software to handle this demand. Learning Sony Vegas was imtimidating to me at first. I played around with it but to actually learn it was scary.

            Over time I became comfortable with learning to use it. Transitioning from a basic to an industry standard software can be imtimidating if you let it. A thirty to hour tutorial will break it down for you. The major thing I learned was you can't fake being a professional.  If you can do something the common man knows how to do.  You have no special value. If you want to be distinguished I recommend you using Final Cut and Sony Vegas or something similar to that.  Window Movie Makers and IMovies are for babies. Step up to the plate and don't let these programs imtimidate you.


Here is an example how Sony Vegas Pro and Window Movie Maker helped me with Kollege Kids. Check in the comment section for the link.


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