for sometime now I’ve wanted to complete this Black and white in color.
steven just began the color works. It was submitted as part of an Blackage Anthology Book
that fell through yeatrs ago. It now posted as an extra on line story on Stranger web page
at Ghettostone Publications site. Recently I have attempted to contact director and movie creator Mr. Fuqua
of Training Day fame to ask if they would please take a look. Stranger storyline has been featured in an independence film years ago, but I think the film success of Black Panther has inspired movie goers so why not try again.
Stranger is ageless and bright to America in the hula of a slave ship ( check Universe book O) from ghettostone, but
he is our Universes ultimate evil doer. Always hidden in the shadows The Stranger would be the last thing you see before your demise.
I enjoy writing for villians they are much easier to write that heroes because most people dont
beliveve in heroes any more and ask why would a super powered hero help anyone as opposed to
gettin paid or becoming famous. Villians from a Black perspective I thing should reflect history
and power so The Stranger brought to America in a slaveship morphs into a Werewolf and manipulates
youth into his evil service. He appears in all my stories so far except for RAMZEES.
Here a page from a quick down and dirty Blackage Anthology Book that never was, enjoy
Mihael R Brown editor chief
Ghettostone PublicationsThe Stranger