Okay, the Supreme Court, with five conservative white men (we’ll argue about that later, I’m sure), displaying the fear conservative whites have over losing their racial majority and traditional white privilege in these United States of America, has rolled back one of the few protections non-whites in traditionally racist states have against complete political irrelevance.

The political ramifications aside, let us imagine today’s America degenerating into a 1850s social, economic, political and cultural landscape.

Let’s imagine women no longer able to vote, and once again the property of men, unable to own property on their own.

Let’s imagine Black men relegated to slave status, also not having the ability to vote and to only be counted as 3/5ths of a man in the census.

Let’s imagine Black women as little better than sex slaves and the subjects of breeding experiments to try to produce that “perfect” slave; big, stupid and compliant.

Let’s imagine Blacks unable to own property or to be allowed to have or control their own money.

Let’s re-imagine those Blacks who will curry favor from the white masters in order to eat in the big house, wear better clothes, and most importantly, lord their status over the rest.

This trend in conservative strategy just begs for a look at just how America would turn out today with early 1800s', Paula Dean type sensibilities...

Novella anyone?

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