The Black Mau Chronicles: 12.12.12.


The New Deal!

Posted in graphic novels and Comics, I.G.L.E.A^R.E., Sci-Fi film, Science Fiction Writers & Authors, Speculative Fiction, Taj Sonchai's The Black Mau Chronicles with tags , , ,   on October 8, 2011 by blog4tsotsm


Ohlum Locati~

This is the Mauist greeting. This is what is going on

with the Black Mau Chronicles and I.G.L.E.A.^R.E.

The entire series will be posted on this blog for

your entertainment pleasure complete with


People have been telling me that they have

been waiting too long. I just wanted to get it

right before I made it public. The series will

begin 12.12.12.

There will be previews, contest and prizes given

throughout the year until the premier of

The Black Mau Chronicles and I.G.L.E.A.^R.E.

These are two different series but some of the

characters will  make guest appearances or be

regulars in both series eventually. With the BMC

We will start from the very beginning and evolve

Into what new life will be like on the new planet

called “Rare Earth”. As one of the characters

Wilemeana Bast said… “To understand who they

are in the modern age, you must first understand

from where they came.”

Stay Tuned!

Locati Ohlum!

~Taj Sonchai

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