The Death of Justice

The Death of Due Process


Well, Texas has just put the final bullet in due process. Is that offensive? Too soon? GOOD!


They sent in a BOMB to assassinate the Dallas shooter. No arrest, no arraignment. And then the Governor of Dallas, Greg Abbott, proudly got up on television and proclaimed that "the sole suspect", Michael Xavier Johnson, "now has received his justice." The same justice that Sandra Bland got? The same justice that Philando Castile got? The same justice that Alton Sterling got? Or Tamir Rice? Or Freddy Gray? Or Treyvon Martin? Or Deven Guilford? Or the many, many others who were shot or otherwise killed by police without cause? Do I have to name them all?


It's not enough that they can practice civil forfeiture, and take private property as part of the income of the police department. It's not enough that they can come in without warrants to the wrong house and shoot an old lady to death. It's not enough that these people, who are supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE do nothing of the kind, but rather sow fear and distrust, and don't even get indicted when they commit these murders.


No. Now they are sanctioned ASSASSINS in our midst, and they can send a robot with a bomb into YOUR home, and blow you up, too. And why even wait for Black, Latino, Women, Underprivileged, whoever, to do wrong? Why don't they just set up stands on the highway and pick us off as we drive past? Why not just send some plastique to expectant, non-white, or non-rich mothers, and take out the next generation before they even take their first breath? Why not make flu-shots in non-affluent areas hot-shots, and smile as you cheerfully eradicated the surplus population?


And let's not forget that one of the top ten professions that draws psychopaths is Police Officer.


Are we surprised? Are we scared enough, yet, to do something? Is there anything we can do, besides saw friggin Texas and all other deeply red states off of the continent and set them adrift, to safe-guard the rest of us?


I have a home I can go to... The Caribbean holds some sanctuary for me. But what about the millions who call this nightmare place home, who have been here twice more generations than their affluent oppressors, because they die younger and more frequently due to exactly the circumstances we are witnessing before our eyes? The average American citizen should NOT have to leave their homes with a reasonable expectation of DYING due to a police stop, but that is exactly the way things are going. The thin veneer of civilization that the middle and upper middle class so fervently believes in is being stripped away to show what has ALWAYS been happening.


We are seeing the extraordinarily horrible as the everyday commonplace. And now Texas has just wiped its ass with the Constitution. So please, Republicans, no more bullshit about protecting the Constitution, and believing in the equality of all people. Your Poster-Boys of Conservatism have just shown their asses, and it is Rich, White, and the boys in Blue. Now stand up and tell ME to say the pledge of friggin Allegiance!


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