The First Review of Conception is posted on Amazon!

William Hayashi has given birth to an extraordinary story, defining a new era in the Black Science Fiction genre!

By Khafra K. Omrazeti "ancient text"

Hayashi's "Darkside Trilogy" is shaping up to be a masterpiece, one that provides an exciting reading experience. This book is an amazing adventure and a science fiction journey that will keep you engaged for over 600 pages.

I started this trilogy on the second book, however I'm now convinced that I should also read the first book and I'm waiting anxiously for the third book to be completed. As coauthor of "Black Futurists in the Information Age: Vision of a Technological Renaissance in the 21st Century", I found this book fascinating on many levels:

(1) The reality of African American involvement in revolutionary science and technology developments (in both the industrial age and the information age) is significant, and Hayashi has the vision and courage to bring this out in this extraordinary story

(2) The institutionalize racism that is prevalent throughout American culture is brought to the surface in this exciting journey; Hayashi is relentless in making sure that we understand the consistency of how people (of all races in America) are being "dumb-down" and kept ignorant about the truth concerning many things regarding Black people and the world at large

(3) That given the opportunity of a self-imposed exile on the moon, Black people demonstrate their brilliance in science and technology that far exceeds anything that they could have achieved in an American society that place severe limitations on their abilities and creativity

(4) Hayashi demonstrates an excellent grasp and working knowledge of the scientific discoveries discussed in this saga and brilliantly uncovers the fact that many Black people are working in these fields and unveiling the mysteries of the universe and

(5) In knowing the true intellectual and scientific capabilities of Black people, from the ancient world (ancient Kemet (Egypt), Kush, the Moors, Songhay, etc.) to the present, it is my hope that this book and others in this science fiction genre will bring forth an awakening in the Black world for extraordinary scientific achievement in the 21st century and beyond.

Writers like William Hayashi are invaluable to our present-day civilization, especially when it comes to helping Black people break FREE of the severe mental, scientific and creative limitations that this civilization seeks to impose on the Black world.

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