First things first. If you're reading this without having read Part I, get the hell away from me! You're obviously not smart enough to survive the Zombie Apocalypse and when you get torn apart, you'll take a bunch of survivors with your dumb ass. Go back and read Part I before me or one of the other survivors 'mistake' you for an infected and bust you in the melon!
Now for you survivors who've made it this far, you've had to come to grips with some hard and harsh rules so far and I'm sorry to tell you that it's not going to get any easier. So, you've got your 'mind right', an improvised weapon and have no doubt cracked open some infected skulls to good effect. At the moment you're in good shape.
So let's surmise the most likely scenario you'd find yourself in when the ZA initially goes down. You're far from home in a populated area in a building of some sort. As you hold your bent and bloodied metal folding chair breathing harder than a racehorse that just escaped the glue factory you're thinking, 'What do I do now?' Well since you've come to terms that going home right now isn't an option, there are some things you have to do asap.
Rule #8 - Get clear of the chaos
Once you've fought your way clear enough to make a break for it, you need to get clear of the mayhem. You're still in the initial wave of the event and right now your fellow humans are as dangerous to you as the zombies. People are running from the infected like zebra being driven by hyenas. You want to be as far from that as possible. Whether alone or in a group, your first priority is to find or create a reasonably secure location to hide and allow the first wave to go by. There's nothing you can do for those crowds of people being chased past your hiding place, so keep quiet and keep still. The infected at this stage are no doubt still able to see relatively well and will go after anything that moves. You never chased after the parade, don't start now.
Rule #9 - Be aware of your surroundings
This rule will always be important, but especially so in the first hours of the event. You've managed to get yourself into a nice hidey hole, but did you notice if there were as they are called by the military, 'avenues for emergency egress'? Simply put, is there another way out that's zombie free? Not good if you've holed up in a place with one way in and out when an annoyingly observant walker figures out you're in there. Always be aware of where you are or the infected will do it for you.
Rule #10 - Avoid large groups with a vengeance
That old saying, 'there's strength in numbers' applied when there weren't hordes of mindless undead freaks coming to eat everyone. On the one hand, large groups are good because in the rush the odds of you getting dragged down are lessened. However, take a look at the nature documentary 'Planet Earth' and watch the segment where a massive shoal of herring too numerous to count gets annihilated by swordfish, dolphins, sharks, tuna and sea birds. At the end, all there is left are shiny scales floating down into the depths. That will be you if you're lucky.
Eventually, you will need to link up with additional survivors. But remember; lions and wolves follow the herds not the other way around. Here are a few extra points to remember:
Do not go to the military or police for help
I know, 'But they're there to help us!' Yeah, I wouldn't bet my life on that. With the military, the odds are good they have orders (as the Marines describe) to 'secure the area'. That's 'marinese' for 'kill everything that moves'. More than likely in the case of a catastrophic outbreak, they have orders to 'sanitize the area'. You want to be reaaaaly far away from that. The Police on the other hand, are no doubt overwhelmed by the situation and will be looking to secure their own interests. Oh and they have guns.
Stay away from shopping malls, stores and churches
Yes, you'll definitely need stuff from those places and you may want to call upon God for salvation, but remember things are still in 'panic mode'. Those places are like watering holes and lots of people will be there trying to loot. All that activity will ring the dinner bell for every walker in the vicinity. Trust me, come back a lot later. Zombies don't steal.
For God's sake avoid Hospitals
If you have a relative or other loved one in a hospital, they're already dead. Unless they went to get an ingrown toenail removed or get a cast taken off, they fall under rule #7. Besides, think for a moment. What's the one thing a Hospital or Clinic is going to have lots of? Dead and dying all either getting up off the table or already chowing down on somebody. Pass.
Rule #11 - Stay mobile
When things die down (no pun intended) you'll need to break cover and get moving. For the most part, the infected will still be following in the wake of large groups of people fleeing them. You'll have to move out after they pass because you no doubt weren't lucky enough to find a hide with plenty of food, water and weapons, good sewage facilities and could be defended easily by your grandmother. With that in mind, you'll have to keep on the move. You and any survivors still with you better be ready to roll out in an instant. Some tips for staying mobile are:
No loads
If you can't carry an item and run at flank speed, leave it behind. Don't be like that moron caught on the Katrina video carrying a damn flatscreen TV through the flooded streets of the decimated city. If it's too heavy or unwieldly, you don't need it. That also goes for people. You parents or individuals getting your maternal/paternal instincts on better keep that in mind too. If a kid or adult can't keep up, you'll face rule #7 whether you want to or not.
Don't depend on motor vehicles
Cars, motorcycles, boats or helicopters are great if you can access them. But in the initial crush, they'll be more hindrance than benefit. You will need a vehicle to get some distance from populated areas. But, you want to avoid them like the plague (pun intended) during the early part of the event. People panic behind the wheel similar to those poor saps you watched get chased down the street by the infected. There will be accidents a plenty and the infected will be attracted to the commotion. The major concern with motor vehicles will be fuel.
Stay off the main streets and roads
Because so many people will have accidents and bail on their vehicles to escape the infected, all main thoroughfares will be all but impassable. Take a look at any major evacuation where things got out of hand and that's nothing compared to what will go down during a ZA event! Stay off the interstates unless scavenging which at this stage will be too early for you to be doing. Stick to the side streets and side roads. Also be prepared to abandon the vehicle if you reach an area which is impassible.
Do not rely on animal transportation
Though a horse has the advantage of not needing gasoline, no horse in its right mind will stay calm when confronted by a mass of undead coming from every direction! An animal that large will attract walkers far and wide. It is certain the animal will panic and throw you leaving you injured just enough to allow the infected easier access to you both.
Rule #12 - You can't fight them all
It's a given now that you and your fellow survivors are mobile either on foot or in vehicles. However, you'll need weapons 'cause you'll have to fight sooner than later. When choosing weapons initially, you had to improvise and that folding chair and table leg worked out just fine. Now you have to get serious about your selection of practical weapons. Of course there are guns and you will need some. But just like vehicles and fuel, you'll need ammunition. Lots of it.
Your primary weapon should be a hand held implement that can deliver blunt force damage (like a bat, hammer or club), cleaving damage (like a meat cleaver, knife or sword) or both (like an axe.) Your primary should be light enough to wield without trouble, but heavy enough to quickly put down a walker.
Don't get overconfident
Just because you cracked open some infected melons and gunned down their friends, don't get cocky! The most important thing to remember about this rule is; there's a poopload more of them than there are of you. Just because you've made your 'bones' whacking walkers, don't lose perspective on how dangerous those damn things are. Save that ammo for when the infected try to hem you and your fellow survivors in and it's time to make an aggressive tactical withdrawal.
So now that you and your remaining fellow survivors have managed to get clear of the crush, are armed and mobile, you've beaten the odds so far.... In the final part of this guide, you'll learn what's needed to survive in the long run. Hang in there, keep those eyes peeled and don't brake for walkers!
© 2012 H. Wolfgang Porter. All Rights Reserved. Images used are owned by their prospective copyright holders.