Monday PAnd0RA 001 returns to keep you going after the holiday and with a new official cover for the series! Special thanks to Artist Ken Bishop for not getting bent about the unofficial use of his work 'Maja'. PAnd0RA finds her presence aboard the Interstellar Transport, DROMEDARY has made her a celebrity. Learning to contend with her sometimes rabid 'Fans' and life with her new companion Captain Gital to be quite a challenge. While the pinnacle of Android engineering navigates life aboard her new home, a crack Contingency Team is in pursuit of the DROMEDARY to retrieve its mysterious cargo. PAnd0RA's curiosity continues to grow concerning the undocumented Gray Transport BOX, but what lay inside may be more than she or anyone in the Galaxy wants to know! Will the Contingency Team arrive in time to claim the BOX before PAnd0RA's curiosity gets the best of her? Answers will be revealed in 'The PAnd0RA Ultimatum' EPISODE TWO: A Tale of W.O.E.S.

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