The Planet Star - Unfolding Prophecy

THEMATIC QUESTION(S)If events are permitted to occur naturally, would prophecies become realities? Can a prophecy be changed by manipulating events? Perhaps prophetic revelations come to fruition when a sequence of events is manipulated, and that prophecy is, in fact, contingent upon those alterations.SUMMARYA young widow leaves her home planet, heading out into the galaxy to a planet that will help her to reestablish her life as well as that of her young son. Unknowingly, she enters the snare of an evil lord who has, for many decades, been searching for “the prophesied widow”, whom he believes holds the key to The Planet Star that would destroy his empire. Shortly after the widow and her son arrive at their destination, they are brutally kidnapped by those in collusion with the evil lord, but his plans are foiled when his archenemy, King Ewlon, daringly rescues the widow and her son. Together, the King and widow cross the galaxy to his home planet and to his home which is the only place The Planet Star can be activated. However, their footsteps are continually dogged by the evil lord and his minions.Footnote: Throughout most of the book, the widow is unaware of the fact her rescuer is a king.Notation: kilo-tran is a little more than 1/2 mile.tran = 3.2 feetI have actually ( ) these calculations below. However, in the actual book the conversion is not given. Since the need to convert these measurements are so few, I have given that notation in a Reader's Description of Terms at the end of the book.Opening scene:Chapter 1 A NEW BEGINNINGShreela Bakra – Widow of TimaShreela Bakra leaned against the doorpost of her home,gazing at the purple dorfa tree saplings. Her long brown hairbillowed in the cool gusty wind and made her shiver. Wrappingher soft gray cloak tightly around her petite frame, she againrested against the doorpost so that she could spend a few moreprecious moments to enjoy her last sunrise in her belovedhome, gazing at the shimmering autumn scene.Shreela’s home located in the Province of Aurel onParamon’s moon, Tima, is about eight parsecs beyond thefringe of the Milky Way in the Gena Solar System. The hills andvalleys of the northern most area of Aurel were clothed in themulti-colored splendor of fall. A cool intermittent wind blew infrom the northwest causing the falling leaves to make a faintsnipping sound as they fell upon the crisp leaves already pilingup on the ground.This gracious Bakra estate lay sequestered deep within theAcacia Forest, isolated from the nearby town of Kalinif, overfive kilo-trans (approx. 3 mi) away. Despite the partially barren trees, thedensity of the forest kept Shreela’s home hidden from pryingeyes. Sounds of small woodland creatures skipping across thecarpet of dry leaves filled the air. A well-trodden pathwayleading to the mansion was covered with purple, blue, red, andorange leaves shed by the towering trees surrounding the home.Shreela looked up for a moment, watching the puffs of smokerising from the chimney, then quickly swept away by a gentlebreeze. Finally, she descended the front steps to take a shortturn around the house. Stopping for a moment and shading hereyes, Shreela watched the early morning sun rays stipplethrough the wall of trees on the southeastern side of themansion, revealing several large teardrop windows, recessed inthe sand-colored brick structure, highlighted by three toffeecoloreddoors. This majestic main entrance door, standing threetrans high (about 9.5 ft), was magnificently covered with handcrafted woodenreliefs.At the time of his death, Jor Bakra was a well-knownastrophysicist, and Director of Research and Development forAstrofi, a large science and aerospace engineering company onTima. Jor also ran his own private aerospace design businesswhere he developed and produced satellite containmentchambers. He was well paid for his services, both corporate andprivate, and Shreela lived a very comfortable life.During the second year of their eight-year marriage, Shreelaleft her career job as a full-time linguist, to give birth to theironly son, Soren. Since small in-home businesses werecommonplace on Tima, Shreela started her own business as alanguage consultant contracting with several small companies.In the beginning, her business kept her quite busy, but as theprice for translator equipment dropped, her business dwindledto almost nothing.Shreela went back upstairs and began pacing the veranda.With her head bowed, eyes closed, and arms folded across herchest, she thought about the drastic changes in her lifefollowing Jor’s death and argued with herself, justifying herdecision to leave Tima. I’ve spent almost all of the savings and creditsto pay off creditors for loans secured by Jor and for supplies necessary for hisresearch projects, she thought. Now I’m nearly bankrupt. Since I cannotreturn these supplies, I can only sell them for half the price which leaves mewith just enough credits to cover payment on this house, and maintenance,for about two cycles - three at most. With one-hundred-eighty cycles left topay, how can I carry the load without financial support?Shreela realized that she needed retraining before she couldreenter the professional job marketplace. She had already puther home on the market, hoping there might be some creditsleft after expenses. Shreela soon learned that she would still nothave enough left over to pay for the program on Tima, andsupport herself and Soren. However, there would be enough topay for a similar program on the planet Thesbis – the planet ofwidows - in the Unian Solar System.The particulars on the book are as follows:Title: The Planet Star – Unfolding ProphecyAuthor: C.M. ChakrabartiISBN-13: 978-1-58982-454-6ISBN-10: 1-58982-454-7Distribution:, barns&, pdbookstore.comPublisher: American Book PublishingAs you know, the opening chapter is always the most difficult. I felt the need to allow the reader to see the environment of the widow, and understand her loss. Her change in status is acute. It is not uncommon that women who leave the workplace to stay home for a while with their children discover that when returning to the work place, even after a short span of time, they have become obselete. There are no social programs on Tima to help Shreela. She has no family on that planet. What can she do?
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