There was a big commotion about the king who took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to die. His friends and relatives gathered in the divvy of his stuff including his prized temple cat. It, the cat, fell to his only niece, Ona. The cat didn't have a real name the king called him 'Cat' and all the household referred to him as "the Cat". He was hairless, temperamental and on his best day looked like he missed the bus on a rainy day. Ona was pissed at everything and was doubly so at her kind uncle for leaving her only "the Cat". She had her eye on a car or the resort cabin on the lake, but the cat. He wasn't even a good cat she said every time you pet him he'd run off to a corner and hack up a hairball. "What kind of no brain talent is that?"
Her uncle told her every pet has a talent else why keep it. Ona's heart matched how the cat appeared to her just to let you know. The cat was a comfort to her uncle. He'd pet him especially when troubled or angry until he felt better. The cat would then run off and hack. When he was a younger man the cat delivered formidable cleanup challenges. As they aged less and less so. He told his fussy niece, "be patient, learn to discipline yourself, you'll overload the cat and he'll make a mess you'll need help with".
She took the cat back to her suite, still fuming inside. "You damn cat, what good are you?" Her hand jutted out and like instinctual magic the cat's back caressed her fingers. Ona screamed, aaagh!, withdrew her hand, sat on the edge of her chair so hard the legs creaked. The cat casually licked himself, walked off to the corner and hacked on que. The silence was imposed upon as the jettisoned hairball became a shadowy mass. It grew and loomed and stunk and called Ona's name, "you made me, come live with me, we are one!" A housekeeper came to the door with a message and left, didn't see the ugly form or hear the voice. Ona still in fear's grip learned all uncle's cautions in one hard swallow. "I am sorry I am not grateful or appreciative for all you've done for me uncle, I'm sorry." The thing shrunk to a little skuzzy hairball again. The Cat became a close pet for Ona, no one but her handles him and the hairballs are small.
What, lame story? I have six cats, I........better stop listening to them.