Ever notice to be a black person in the media, movies, comics, you can't be a regular person. Dude you walk like you pooped a little in your pants......no man that's strut and walk like a pimp and it's not a limp, I ain't no gimp, ya know I'm exempt from your failed attempt, and I'm immune to your bias, deflect while you apply it. You don't realize that you can't criticize what you don't understand, you are on the outside of my realm man......I guess the Last Poets weren't really the last.
Hey man, what you doing in here. I don't know, I got a license to carry an unconcealed weapon, they know this. I was in a store when some hoods rushed in. I drew my pistol, they cursed at me, made me mad, turned my gun sideways to shoot. The cops came in saw my gun turned sideways, thought I was one of them, winged me in the shoulder.......You made the papers, "Black man with pistol turned sideways mistaken for a hood, gets shot." Yeah, here's the kicker, I go back to the gun dealer for further training and anger management, the whole room is filled with blacks and Hispanics all the same problem. I have to wear this brace that won't let me turn my gun sideways. They have a prosthetic for that? Yeah.