The Voice: Part 2

Assault-Class Cruiser Horuk emerged from Leap Space, joining ten thousand other battle ships. A massive oval shaped construct loomed before the Horuk, painting the cruiser with its enormous shadow. Its hull was silvery and covered with protruding docking rings. The size of a small moon, Mobile Dock was the largest class of space going vessel in Heritin space…in the known universe for that matter.

            Draper stared at an image of Mobile Dock on his central interface. Despite the dread rushing through him at its frightful immensity, the Caretaker could not help but to marvel at the sight of it. “Incredible.”

            Sensor Specialist Luteri, occupying a slot to Draper’s right, snorted a puzzled grin. “What is so incredible about a mobile dock?”

            Draper quickly remembered where he was and acted accordingly. Mobile Docks were as mundane to a Heritin as an aircraft carrier would have been to a human prior to the invasion. “I think we tend to take our technological prowess for granted.” Draper gave his colleague an earnest look. “Periodically, we should all pause to admire the fruits of Heritin ingenuity. Don’t you?”

            Luteri’s amusement deepened. “What has gotten into you? You’re normally the cynical one.”

            Draper began fumbling for an answer…

            “Never mind,” Luteri interrupted. “Meet us in the lounge when your duty shift ends. We’re having the ceremony.”

            It was Draper’s turn to be puzzled. “Ceremony?”

            “You must be working too hard,” Luteri teased. “The ceremony for the arrival of your offspring.”

            Draper remembered. His host was to be a father…or what the Heritin called a progenitor.

            “Have you spoken to her?” Luteri asked.

            Draper rightly assumed the other referred to his mate. “No…not yet.”

            “You are working too hard,” said Luteri. “Contact her before she starts thinking that a savage human gutted you.” The sensor specialist laughed as Draper looked on, struggling to keep his expression neutral.






            Heritin battle ships connected to the numerous rings of Mobile Dock. Each docking took an hour to complete due to clamping and lengthy depressurizations. As the final ship to arrive from the Human Campaign, the Horuk docked last.

            When all Heritin ships were securely linked, Mobile Dock began powering up for entry into Leap Space.







            Draper sat in the ship’s lounge as his fellow crewmates downed cups of dunel juice in his honor. The Ship Captain stopped in for a few moments, offered his congratulations to the Engine Caretaker and departed.

“You look like you’re at a memorial instead of a celebration,” said Guidance Specialist Grinta.

Luteri refilled his cup at the dispenser. “A birth is as much a solemn occasion as it is festive. The creation and sustenance of a new line is a great responsibility.”

“And a great burden!” A crewmember shouted to the accompaniment of laughter.

“Sorry,” said Draper. “I have been distracted. I was thinking about the humans.” You would sully this grand occasion with mention of that debased species?

Draper ignored the voice.

“It was a great victory,” said Luteri.

“A laughably easy victory,” Grinta added haughtily. “One of little consequence compared to the victory that we will achieve against the Wendak.”

“Nevertheless, we still lost soldiers,” Luteri reminded.

Grinta held up his cup. “Then let us drink to honor the fallen.”

Draper held up his cup even as part of him quailed against the gesture. In seconds, his inner turmoil was forgotten and he settled in to a comfortable period of merriment and camaraderie. My companions. My fellow Heritins…




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