This Is My Introduction

Good day to all, ladies, gents. Thank you for reading my first ever blog post. I feel really stupid right now, nervous, insecure, so bear with me. The time has come for me to become a writer while simultaneously breaking the life time habits of an introvert. Please comment and leave thoughts, tips, whatever. I don't care, just so I know somebody somewhere is reading this. Makes me feel good :D


I'm writing a short story, and my posts will mainly be about how absolutely exhausting and wonderfully time consuming it will be. I may sneak some stuff in about my two sons and my husband, my three children as I like to call them. I'm an awesome black chick with two AWESOME sons (2 and 3), married to an AWESOME black man/sci-fi geek, so maybe some of the ladies can relate to that part, I hope. 


I have God to thank for him, and him to thank for bringing me here, to this place I find myself. Well-loved, cherished, resources at hand, and full of confidence to set forth. So let's go.


(Later on I'll probably add links and tags and photos, but right now I'm so nervous I can't think of anything to attach.)

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