Ok..I have been silent far too long about travesties going on in the comic and animation industries. I am sick and tired of being handed “Black Culture” by non-black writers, non-black artist, and non-black animators! We do not need anyone’s permission to be black! Who can tell stories of Black Culture better than Blacks can? Example; many of the new DC and Marvel Black comic characters are written and drawn by non Blacks. And to add insult to injury, many of the new so called black heroes are no more than black transformations of white characters, (Black versions of previous white heroes revised). We accepted Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other white superheroes without question, with open arms. Their race did not matter! What did matter was their moral fiber, sense of justice and super abilities.
They showed the world theirs, now it’s time to show them ours! Indy comics are the key! WE DO NOT NEED THEM! Don’t beg companies like DC and Marvel to tell your stories! YOU TELL IT! They had their turn! Now it’s our turn! Black super heroes are here to stay! United we stand, divided we fall. Let us take our true place in creation as HEADS and not TAILS! Because,…in the words of the great George Clinton of Parliament/Funkadelic “A tail is nothing but a long booty.” It’s funny but true. Please understand, I didn’t say these things to put whites down, I said them to lift blacks up! Be encouraged, be creative and be cool. Peace and Love!
Art Dawson
Doc & AJ Comics