As a people we done everything to be except tribes.
The closest we come to is street gangs. We've called ourselves Africans, African-Americans, Blacks, and if we find one more way to divide us we will be nuts. So, here's the rap: If we were really Africans we should know something about tribes. Also since when we ran away from the plantation into the woods we met the Indians who had tribes. And if also some of us were indigenous (same time as the Indians but not Indians but like Indians) we should know something about tribes.
Now let me tell you about tribes in my brief experience, being a Black person. When I was a kid we lived on the same street as my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins all on my dad's side plus we had regular close contact with mom's family in another city. When a big problem hit we talked about it, dealt with it as a big family. After we grew up that all went away, it's every family for themselves. Weddings, funerals and family reunions are the only times we see each other or talk.
Forget about having the illusive Indian or African blood, we need to consider Tribes where we are, here, and save our families. We could empower each other better. Oh yeah and until the main stream media supports positive Black life, we should limit our intake. As enlarged families I'm sure better programming can be had.
Hey, speculative fiction turns into reality. With simple science, metaphysics we can go natural without being or looking primitive. There is room to experiment and create because our new paradigm is not a society that doesn't need us anymore. And we get to exercise all that wisdom we've been reading for the last 50 years.
Think of it this way, we built it all for them, lets be about building our own. The funny part is what will they do without us paying attention to them and entertaining them. We really don't have time for that. We do have time for tribes. Tribes are real blood families first, not political/social/religious groups. Family first.