who has got the correct star time?

Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Ok all you knowledge knowers here is the enigma in my mind. What time is it? In the reasoning of the astro- enthusiast, that's astronomers and astrologers and history pattern recogs, we are near the Age of Aquarius. Hold your anti-hype weapons we are talking constellational time. Reports are scattered, some say we be in it and some say it is still coming.

A Great year, it has been said, is 25920 years. The sun and our solar systems does the sidereal progression (backwards) thru the 12 somewhat fixed constellations. That's 25920 years divided by 12 to equal 2160 years in each constellation or sign. Some people looked long and hard to write this pattern down.

Against this calc is the Roman Empire's Gregorian calendar calcs which overwrote the Egyptian calc we all know and love, several times.

Some arguments said they couldn't decide which fixed star in any fixed constellation was used to base calculations on. I'd say Sirius but who am I? Was reading a Hermetic book "The Light of Egypt", vol 2. It mentioned many in the occult realm considered 1881 as the pivotal year for crossing into the Aquarian age.

Many rock-n-roll songs say different, so what happened in 1881 to make it so outstanding? Before 1881 believers of all sorts, especially religious ones. After 1881 reason and science exploded and Thomas Edison and Tesla. Aquarius is air, reason, invention and ruled by Uranus governs the occult, electricity, aviation, science.

Is there an out of sync public knowledge and an in-sync hidden knowledge? Or are we all screwed up?

There is a biblical angle too.

It is said that Christianity is characteristic of the Piscean Age. Jesus told the disciples to find a man with a water jug to prepare for that last supper. Aquarius the symbol is a man and water jug. Using the formula 1 day is as a thousand years, Jesus was buried and rose in 3 days (tradition). The biblical account is actually 2 to 2-1/2 days. 3 days would be 3000 years counting from his death. 2 days to 2-1/2 days is 2000 to 2500 years.

If an "Age" is 1/12th of a great year (25920) or 2160 years and the age started with Jesus (assuming), that is 0ad (ad = year of domination) and it's 2014ad now, we got 146 years till kingdom come, a new world order, the Aquarian age and or god comes back. Oh wait, he did say he'd be with us till the end of the age. What he mean by that? Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? and who is the lady with the broken diamond watch? I can't believe we fell for that one.

I am really thinking the most important thing Africans (Egyptians) did was track time, clocks, calendars, celestial rhythms. They put us in sync with the all.

Now we got computers and cranes, can't build pyramids, can't tell time! huh! or is it that some know the time and it is hidden from the rest of us?

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