I'm a writer who writes in a variety of areas. The following updates fall under the general title of supporting "Black Writers" whatever genre they may be writing in:
I've written a novel entitled, Havasu Means Blue Water. I'm promoting the hell out of it because I truly believe in the need to tell the story about the various paths black families' journeys have taken them on during their sojourn in America. Well, I've just finshed the trailer for "Havasu Means Blue Water". The novel is a story about a town with a violent past on the brink of collapse finding a chance for redemption with the unexpected arrival of a young woman who is part of a chain of transformative events. This book trailer was made to promote the upcoming publication and release of the novel--as an e-book through www.lulu.com and Amazon Books on December 1, 2010.
I hope to have a youtube link/embed code shortly. In the meantime, take a minute to look at the trailer. Go to:
I'm hosting a new talk radio show called, Take A Bite Out The Big Mango. It's a talk show about a Big Girl with a large appetite for life, learning how to "take a bite out of the big mango--that is Bangkok, Thailand." I hope some of you will call in and join in the fun:
Call-in Number: (424) 222-5252 (guests can call from anywhere in the world FOR FREE using their skype account!)
Upcoming Show: 11/20/2010 4:30 PM (For folks living in the BKK we're 7 hours ahead of the GMT so the show starts at 11:30 p.m.. The show time will vary for folks living in the US check your time zone to find out how far ahead your region is in relation to the Greenwich Mean Time).
Host Name: Ivory Simone
Show Name:
Take A Bite Out Of The Big Mango
The first show is about- Learning to Eat exotic food. Go to the "Take A Bite Out Of The Big Mango" showpage at:
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ivorysimone/2010/11/20/take-a-bite-out-of-the-big-mango (copy and paste the address in your browser)
to read my blog"YOU WANT ME TO EAT WHAT...?!", a humorous take on eating strange looking fruit grown here in Thailand. The question I have for listeners is--
What is the most exotic food you've eaten and was it tasty?