You should try sculpture!

Flash back, as a kid I did the family puzzles, had a room of my own dedicated to model cars. It was a plastic parts junkyard. Fred Sanford would have been happy. Even made plans to build a slot racing track to rival a model train layout.

You grow up to try new stuff and wind up with new versions of the old stuff. Yeah, you go with what you know. I got into drawing houses, was introduced to computers, CAD drawings and finally computer generated 3d drawing, modeling and rendering. I'm not that good in my drawing, definitely not a fine artist. I don't know why I envision photo perfect renderings. Mostly I care about putting down the idea, that is enough.

I keep sketchbooks. It is amazing the flow of ideas in sketches. I can recall the process path of my thoughts in each sketch. I tell myself I will take the sketch and make a finished drawing. I see the work of other conceptual artist like Syd Mead, his students, others and drool. Ok, I don't have the trained fine art thing going, do I need to get there? NO! I just need to get the idea down. The tools and skills are the ones I have. I can improve but I need to use what I have.

A paraphrased line in the movie "Encounters of the 3rd Kind", "I got the image too, painted like you, I didn't see that path". The guy said "you should try sculpture!" Making actual models brings a thing into the physical world in a way a flat drawing or movie on a video screen can not touch. A life size model might as well be the real thing. So, that is the crux of my bent. To bring the thought of the future house into form.

Whats to come? Models of future homes, not fantasy but possible today. In a world of codes and standards and compliance and uniformity and traditions, I have to try sculpture. We have lived with the Paul Revere home and garden too long, especially in the city. Don't need nothing but a city lot as most of us can afford. No need to escape to the burbs, my futuristic car can do that. Why must I come home to the past? Stay tuned..........

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