
Are you a YouTuber? Would you like to be? Now days, YouTube's becoming a hit with some people and in its right, launching careers of many of the YouTubers that have put so much hard work into their channels. I know BSFS has a channel (I've subscribed) (Channel Name: Black Science Fiction Society)

I have one as well: (Channel Name: SoveReign Universe)

At the moment I only have about 3 videos that I have done but eventually, I plan to turn this channel into a haven for individuals that want to learn to create comics. 

I, like a lot of people, have no clue on how to get a YouTube channel up and running (thriving); pulling in multiple viewers to where the things that I create, or choose to share with others, are being seen on a daily basis. However, YouTube has found a way to help people like me or you; people that want to create there own channels. Not just create mind you, but thrive with their own channels. This, is the reason for the blog really. I've come across a channel that helps those that want to be a YouTuber, or have a thriving channel, by giving advice to you, the newcomer, from some of the veterans of Youtube. I'm sharing this channel with you all here: (Channel Name: YouTube Creator Academy)

If you are interested, I recommend taking a look. There's so much you can do with YouTube...just think, TV...on the internet. You can release trailers to up coming books, animated shorts, movies your working on. You can show your work flow (how you do things from beginning to end), build an audience to support you and late buy the products that you are putting so much time into. The list goes on and on. Yea, it does take time but, time management is a detrimental tool for anyone trying to do anything more, than just work a 9-5,6,7,8 or 9. Time management and drive, that is.

This isn't for everyone, nor is it on everyone's to do list. I understand that. However, I wanted to spread the information that I learned, just in case there's someone that's interested.

Peace to you BSFS Fam,

Tyrone (Tyr1AR) Jackson

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