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"Kichwateli" is a short film by storyteller Muchiri Njenga set in a post-apocalyptic African slum and city. This film takes the viewer on a spiritual and metaphorical voyage through a young boy's dream mixing new imagery of a young boy wondering inquisitively with a live TV as his head to show the effects of media on a young generation. Featuring music by Just A Band (Africa's super-nerdy electronic band), Modeselektor (Berlin's breakbeat duo) and Maasai Mbili (Nairobi-based Art group) this music-metary is a metaphor for the way we are now all plugged into the same images of global anxiety while at the same time being ourselves subjects of scrutiny of the all-seeing ubiquitous cameras. "Kichwateli" is Studio Ang's contribution to the BLNRB project, a cooperation of Kenyan and German artists initiated by Goethe-Institut Nairobi and Gebrüder Teichmann. Check out behind-the-scenes here: More info on the BLNRB project here: