Science Fiction Friday

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Sci Fi Friday is with Jarvis Sheffield who is the Publisher of Genesis Science Fiction Magazine. For more information about Jarvis Sheffield please visit

Derrick Hayes is the #1 Encouragement Speaker and is internationally known for having the unique talent of turning name and words into positive messages within seconds right before your eyes. Hayes calls these Derricknyms.

After being a sought-after keynote speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as the U.S. Department of Commerce, Subway, Legacy Chevrolet, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University, and many others Derrick Hayes was asked by a friend to participate in Bow Tie Monday.

The last thought on Derrick Hayes mind was to wear a tie to work but he also did not want to say no to someone else dream. After wearing a bow tie for a few weeks there was a day when the weather would not permit anyone to go out and get another bow tie so Hayes had to learn how to turn the regular ties that he already had into bow ties so that he could continue to participate in Bow Tie Monday.

During workshops and seminars Derrick Hayes started to share and teach them how to tie regular ties and also how to turn them into bow ties and the impact and feedback from men, women and children was incredible.

Now Derrick Hayes has branded himself as the “enTIEtainer” since he has added new tie tying techniques to his seminars, workshops, routines and Stand Up Encouragement sessions. The “enTIEtainer” is available to perform and uplift audiences at schools, colleges, corporations, meetings, events, concerts, festivals, clubs, casinos, churches, carnivals and other venues.

Book the “enTIEtainer” now by visiting, emailing or by calling (706) 615-1662 and you can also see the “enTIEtainer” Demo Reel at

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  • 'Unlimited power source!' From on high ... Thanks for sharing Jarvis, enjoyed. Checking my toenail is intact ... I'd best get on doing some drafting! Sci Fi
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