Our History
www.ls.cc.al.us/blackhistory/blackhistory.html This is a pretty good source of historical info in one awesome site, check it out. Then share what you think. Peace.
Read more…www.ls.cc.al.us/blackhistory/blackhistory.html This is a pretty good source of historical info in one awesome site, check it out. Then share what you think. Peace.
Read more…SUBMISSIONS FOR THE 2009 GLYPH COMICS AWARDS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED; JUDGES NAMED This past May, in the closest race in the brief history of the Glyph Comics Awards (GCA), Sentences, the autobiography of underground rapper MF Grimm, a.k.a. Percy Care
Read more…What's good folks? Just checking in to see what's new in the life of my fellow BSFS fam. My world is fairly hectic at the moment with work an school, but I'm still trying to stay the creative course. As of now I'm still working on my story Rally Poin
Read more…htp (peace)Okay... so the Big-O is moving into the white house in January. Naturally folks are excited about this. I have had conversations with folks of every color under the sun; no pun intended, and it amazes me how many people see Obama's electio
Read more…My mom and I need help recovering the rights to my deceased father's novel. Does anyone know of a good, reasonably priced copyright lawyer?
Read more…Hi everyone...I found this extraordinary group via Expansive Horizon's magazine and I must tell you... I've been searching for something like this for awhile. I view a couple of sci fi / fantasy boards but i'm fairly infrequent in my participation be
Read more…HEY PEEPS!I know that he hardly posts here but I want to encourage some cross support website action!I introduce you to MO who is a member here too as well as at an alternate site!It is his B-DAY so wish him well even though he is one of those who DI
Read more…A message to all members of Pass the WORD We received this message from founders of several different networks that we belong to. Pleasecheck your friends list. Do not !!!!accept a friend request from a ++CHRISTOPHER BUTTERFIELD++ he is ahacker. He i
Read more…Here's a link to an article about a Detroit resident who is constructing what he hopes will be a WORKING model of a flying saucer. Very Interesting.http://www.antigravitytechnology.net/current_anti_gravity2.html
Read more…My post-election experience as a teacher in a predominately Black Middle school with a predominately White faculty has been quite interesting. I've felt a wide range of emotions since Tuesday evening. I've felt liberated. I've been proud. I've been a
Read more…Hello, everyone. I am an alternate Ronald T. Jones running for president of an alternate United States on an alternate Earth. I just need a few more votes to win. I want all BSFS members to visit this alternate Earth and vote for me!!
Read more…How would you react? What would you do if you discovered that a relative or a close friend was actually an alien from another planet?
Read more…Practice 'Safe Voting' -- Top 10 Tips Watch this video now and share it with as many people as possible.http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=jC5axqUIgqR8LZ4ncvqZXA..************************************************ Dear ACLU Supporter, The ACLU is going al
Read more…I will be immortal. My legacy will live on until the end of time! I did it everyone. My name will be on board the Keppler Mission that will be sent into space to search for earth-like planets in the galaxy!
Read more…All I'm saying is... isn't interesting that whenever a "LADY" joins this site suddenly everybody wants to be her friend? DUDES sign up and one or two people want to be their friends! As SAMUEL JACKSON said to PAM GRIER in the movie JACKIE BROWN "You
Read more…YO MOMMA is so fat... she made the jump through hyper space and got stuck!YO MOMMA is so stupid... she thought ALIENS vs PREDATOR was an immigration issue!YO MOMMA is so dumb... she thought THE MATRIX was about a prostitute named MAY!YOUR TURN!
Read more…There's been a debate among space scientists about whether humans or robots should explore space. Should humans forego the risk and expense of space travel and planet exploration in favor of robot probes?
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