Collecting indie Black Age of Comics product

Since most comix collections are more mainstream, Asian and such my question is how indie Black could they be?  Indie Black Age publishers have been producing great product for decades but the Manga, Mainstream Mania cleary has control of the minds souls and monies of so & folks of color.  But music collections and tastes are way more Black.  Cusine tastes and adventure are way more indie.  But it seems that when it ocmes to indie Black Age products almost any reason is applied to not buy, try or value these amazing and often ground breaking efforts. 

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  • How Black was this industry before I launched the Black Age of Comics in 1993?
  • Visit and look over our Graphic Novels page. Much appreciated!
    ONLI STUDIOS is an innovative leader in the expansion of independent Graphic Novels, Comic Books, Games. Movies., Diverse Content, & Fine Art.
  • The BIG BRANDS rule this industry where as the creative folks rule most other forms of entertainment. Actors, Rappers, Singers, Athletes all seems to rule more than the name of the label they actually work for. Few only listen to music based on the brand name of the label.......but tend to follow the creative flow. But here its all about a few brands. So far if not offered by the BIG BRANDS then its not worthy. HMMMM? That is like if music was limited to a few labels. For the few who read this please go out and talk about it.
  • I say indie because the trend of putting more Black into the industry was pushed for decades by the indie Black Age folks. Yet most comic book stores resist featuring these products. Therefore the fan base and collectors community doesn't experience the real power of the indie Black Age.......unfortunately!
  • I both buy and create Black comics and children's books. Thanks for the effort of posting this article.
    • Visit and look over our Graphic Novels page. Much appreciated!
      ONLI STUDIOS is an innovative leader in the expansion of independent Graphic Novels, Comic Books, Games. Movies., Diverse Content, & Fine Art.
  • There's a lot of issues with comic shops these days not related to the indie scene but how the Big 2 and Image deal dirty with the shops. But there are some ways indie creators can bypass, but it depends on the Indie's target audience product delivery desires. Basically, what format do they want? Digital or paperwork? One issue at a time or Trade collection? Pick up at shops or delivery to home? If you're a small publisher it might be hard to afford printing paperbacks if you can't guarantee sales.
    • Visit and look over our Graphic Novels page. Much appreciated!
      ONLI STUDIOS is an innovative leader in the expansion of independent Graphic Novels, Comic Books, Games. Movies., Diverse Content, & Fine Art.
    • The indie Afrocentered book stores are not much better. over the past four decades they tend to not care about or sense the cultural value of the indie Black Age. They all jumped all over the Black Panther.....of course. But they seem to be more about linking the Black experience to racism and suffering the what we tend to express. They follow and never lead. However, we are still growing our market share. One book and one fan at a time!
  • I posted about this dilemma not too long ago. But, I enjoy collecting indie Black comix. I attended Free Comic Book Day at my favorite store and was approached by a indie Black comix writer named Chris Appling who sold me the origin issue of "Afro-Archtypes". I also picked up a copy of Malika, by Roye Okupe, a mainstream comic. I am only interested in how mainstream black comix can be. I am cosigning my indie comic to local bookstores in mixed neighborhoods. I shouldn't have to travel far to know they exist!
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