"I posted about this dilemma not too long ago. But, I enjoy collecting indie Black comix. I attended Free Comic Book Day at my favorite store and was approached by a indie Black comix writer named Chris Appling who sold me the origin issue of…"
How much do you think the first black comic book is worth? I picked up "Brotherman #1" at a store for 25 cents. When I went to the register, the clerk let me have it for free! How much do you think the first comic book is worth? In recent years,…
I am acquainted with a local Emmy award winning filmmaker where I live who is producing a reboot of his tv crime series from 2008. Although he is black, he writes and produces material that does not come from the Black experience. Does the fact…
"I've seen that your crowdfunding hasn't been reaching its funding goal for sometime. Are there giving circles in your area? You should attend a pitch night."