I love anime. And think its a form that is worth using for scifi/fantasy.


6-7+ years go, a young brother did a series called 'MAATKARA' which he sold to the cable tv station SciFi's website, to be viewed online.

I saw it and heard him speak at the BFM Black Film Festival in London at the time. I thought it would herald the beginning of a lot of black animation. That doesnt seem to have been the case re scifi (apart from 'Afro Samurai').

I wondered what had happened to MAATKARA, and did a google. The maker has a site- go and have a look and if you like it, send him an encouraging email, or something:



Its set 7,000 years in the future, is full of spaceships, African Egyptian cosmology, and action.

I just wonder-as someone who couldnt do the drawing but could do the writing- whether we can have more black anime given the greater accessibility of the technology and software one would need.

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