When it comes to self-publishing, the least expensive and the highest royalty percentage avenue for the content creator is Digital Publishing. Royalties for e-Published books or films often run from 50-80%. The biggest drawback for e-published content is Piracy.
We're all guilty of Content Piracy in some form or another. Let's face it, rarely do we become enthusiastic when we find something we'd like to download has a price attached to it. However, as content creators/facilitators we also recognize this stuff costs time and money to make and we'd like to be compensated for it. Getting paid for your content is tough to do when your content can be downloaded at will.
So what to do then to keep your content secure enough to generate revenue? The answer currently is Digital Rights Management Protection (DRM). This is done by various proprietary software and relatively open security software solutions. Outfits like Amazon, Barnes & Noble and so on have their own specific type of e-pub format so they are relatively secure. But if you're looking to go your own way and selling it directly, having DRM protection will be a necessity.
Up front, there are currently 3 levels of DRM protection; 1) Handled by the Distributor (i.e. Kindle, Nook, etc.), 2) Handled by a DRM service or 3) Handled by the Content Creator/Creation Company. Since the first level has already been discussed, we'll focus on the other two.
First up you can get an Online Security Service which for a monthly or annual fee will maintain your DRM for you. The good thing is; someone else will be watching the 'store' for you. Bad thing is; your rights management protection could be held hostage if for some reason you fail to pay your bill.
Next is DRM Stand Alone Software by which you or your company can purchase to manage your protection in house. The bad news about SAS is; it's fairly expensive initially. The good news is; depending on the level of protection you have, you are in control and you don't incur a monthly bill.
The main thing to keep in mind is; no solution will prevent piracy 100%. Eventually, illegal downloads will occur due to existing software designed to break your DRM protection is out there already or someone is developing some that will. The main thing you want is to reap as much of a return from your work possible before inevitable illegal downloading occurs.
Here are some links to different types of DRM protection available to you the content creator and your companies. No matter which type you choose, read the fine print carefully to see what types of coverage you'll receive, applicable pricing and what happens if you for some reason fail to make payment.