Yog's Law (coined by fantasy & sci-fi writer James D. MacDonald) states "Money should flow toward the author."
I understand that members of this group wear (at least) two hats: writer and publisher.
One suggestion I have is for web marketing. The site is Project Wonderful, http://www.projectwonderful.com, and offers day rate advertising. Instead of paying per impression or per click, you pay for your ad to show on a blog or website for a day. You bid for the ad space and you can set a price. I used it to market throughout May for only $5. I was able to get hundreds of thousands of page views and more clicks than I did using the expensive web marketing services like Google AdSense and Facebook Ads. So if you're looking for web marketing, I think Project Wonderful is a decent alternative to some of the higher priced services.
I'm looking for any suggestions or tips that members have used to get the money flowing toward him or her instead of from him or her, in any area of the publishing process. Essentially any way to cut costs and increase the profit margin.
Thanks for your time and happy writing.