Talee's World and InsideTheBooks.com

Hey Everyone,

How are you doing? I've been working on my character blog Talee's World while still tyring to get the second book in the series ready. Illustration images for the blog always takes longer than I plan. Hopefully in a week or so I will be revealing some animation. If you haven't stopped by the blog please check it out. Below are some links to some of the post.

I'm also working on a series of children's book character interviews for my site InsideTheBooks.com so if anyone is interested please let me know. Here is the first interview in the series: Princess Atelia's Character Interview >> http://bit.ly/18psQvb

Here are a couple of new and old blog post for you to check out.

Look What I Found >> http://bit.ly/16cH6e0

Princess Atelia's Character Interview >> http://bit.ly/18psQvb

When is the last time you made a wish? >> http://bit.ly/17tMxnZ

Talee, her Mom and her favorite things word search ... http://bit.ly/12qzdOQ

Maze-a-thon Adventure (Short Story) >>> http://bit.ly/16xd9Rz

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