Ben Davis posted a status
Mar 4, 2020
I'm the author of the science fiction novel "Sojourners", 14 April 2016 IUniverse, and I've finished two new works, "Sojourners: Animus" and "Sojourners: Such Power Exists?" which are part of a trilogy. I'm seeking a few beta readers to review the manuscripts. I could really use the support. The reviews will be incorporated later into a cover letter to a literary agent and/or a more traditional publishing house--I've not had a very good experience with IUniverse in terms of their editing and marketing of the first book, other than some positive reviews from Kirkus Reviews, Clarion and Blue Ink. Please read the first book for background on the characters, the world and adventures they share, context and the story itself🤓. If any readers in Black Society are interested, please email me at or contact me at (440) 317-2012 at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for your professional courtesy in reading this message.

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