Afrofuturism Event by DJ Spooky, NYC 1999 - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety
The concept, the movement.This event at the Knitting Factory was THE BOMB! Big ups to DJ Spooky the Big Brain. He did a lot to illuminate various cultural connections, past, present & future along diasporic and global lines. With this event, he brought Kodwo Eshun to NYC to read at this event. Eshun wrote an INCREDIBLE book titled "More Brilliant than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction". It's actually my favorite book on music, period. He created an entirely new language to describe some psychoacoustic phenomena like the force behind James Brown's funk song as a rhythmengine. He also attempts to contextualize and decipher Kool Keith's (of Ultramagnetic MC's) hyperlinguistic rhymes.The headcrack about this event though is that as I remember only a handful of Afrofuturists were there!?!?
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