CALL FOR AFROFUTURISTS - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety


CALL FOR ARTISTS: The AfroFuturist Affair is having its 3rd Charity & Costume Ball on Saturday November 9 2013 at MythMedia Studios.We need:- Authors- Poets- Inventors- Vocalists- Rappers- Visual artists- Live artists- Filmmakers- Dancers- Designers- Musicians-Magicians- Metaphysicians- Any other creative type not named aboveThe theme for the Charity & Costume Ball is “Dark Phase Space" (the layered space in which all possible states of Blackness are represented, with each possible state corresponding to one unique point in the phase space), so we appreciate works that can incorporate this theme, however you interpret it.To share your ideas, talents, and proposed performances for inclusion in this year’s Charity & Costume Ball, please email afrofuturistaffair@gmail.com by September 30, 2013 with the below info, and “Charity Ball” in the subject line.Name or Organization (include title or position):Contact info (email/phone):Title of proposed performance/display:Brief description of proposed performance/display:If available, attach at least one image or video URL illustrating what you do. It can be a past example or a sketch of the proposed idea.Website (if available):If you are interested in sponsoring, vending, or volunteering, please submit an email to afrofuturistaffair@gmail.com. We are able to offer promotion and advertisement space to all sponsors. Vendors will be charged a low registration fee of $15 dollars.
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