K.E.I.S.H.A. WEB SERIES - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety


K.E.I.S.H.A. Eman, Brina, and Bami. Three brilliant scientists who take AI to another level. Circuits and programming…emotions and soul create K.E.I.S.H.A. A robot beyond imagination. Fully equipped with immense data capacity, logic, and strength. There is also one other feature…catchin’ feelings. Oh yeah…K.E.I.S.HA.’s taking it to the Nth power. Brotherman Comics presents BCEPressworks’ new and exciting web-comic series, K.E.I.S.H.A. Written by Guy A. Sims and illustrated by Angael Davis. Look for it in February, 2017 on http://blacksciencefictionsociety.com/page/keishawebseries
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