"Kill the Messenger: Gemini" - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety

"Kill the Messenger: Gemini"

Johanna is the author of the historical, speculative sci fi, fantasy thriller "Kill the Messenger: Gemini". You will wonder if this is really happening.In Kill the Messenger: Gemini, Gemini is a Heavenly Being and her role on Earth is as a link between Ra and the primitive humans of Earth. She is the messenger and a reminder of the eventual return of Ra. Ra is a being that humans once called the Sun God. The Heavenly Beings have one mission left and that is to save a remnant of humanity. Gemini and Lucifer are the offspring of Ra; however, she is half Nubian and he is half Arian. They have two different destinies in store for the humans of Earth. Gemini wants to save humanity while Lucifer only wants to enslave them to build machines, weapons, and space ships to take him and his kind to other worlds where they can create other slave worlds like Earth. Lucifer is an immortal trapped on Earth changing bodies and lives throughout time.Kill the Messenger: Gemini takes the reader from the building of the Sphinx to modern times. Gemini knows that it matters what humans believe in the end. Ra went back in time to tilt the Earth in the position it is in today so it would be habitable for the humans he would put there, but the Earth’s axis cannot be controlled forever. While Ra is away fighting off the plague of the Arians in outer space, Gemini is sending out a message to humans who are willing to take ‘the mark’ to be saved from the coming cataclysm and the end of humanity. Humans must make a choice based whether or not they believe the mark is the one written about in the Bible. The Heavenly Beings tried and failed to prevent the total annihilation of humans and the Earth. They are not coming to stop the destruction; they are coming to save a few. The Mayans left behind a message with a clue to the end time. That is the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.
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