Memoir of a Time Yet to Come by Wm Kane - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety

Memoir of a Time Yet to Come by Wm Kane

My name is Aaron.I’m not like you.I’m not like you at all…. Anymore.With those opening words, Aaron reveals the story of his transformation from human being to…something very different. Something bordering on the macabre. Something with grave implications for all of human kind since there are others, similar to Aaron, who are decidedly less hospitable. Only Aaron and the angel of his dreams, Khydyra, stand between Ahriman and the Sons of Darkness as they attempt to break through the Gate between the worlds of the living and the worlds of the spirit to wreak havoc on creation. Time is running out…the forces of Ahriman are on the move…and the fate of the world as we know it stands in the balance.
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