The Last White Man: 2012 2030 2057 2084 - Photos - Blacksciencefictionsociety

The Last White Man: 2012 2030 2057 2084

Do you want to know the Occult? The Last White Man is the riveting labyrinth about the end of the White Race in the year 2084. It takes the reader on an explosive journey from the inception of their creation up to the end of the transitional period of The Golden Age. The Last White Man (Martin Brzezinski) has been on the run from the mighty Etheric Federation Council for the last five years. He is finally captured and has been given the option to give full disclosure regarding the detrimental acts the White Race have done to shield the awakening of every being on planet Earth or face banishment to the desolate planet Calcifis. Which will he do? Confess or be banished? Or maybe Martin Brzezinski has a trick up his sleeve that the Etheric Federation Council never saw coming...Due out September 12, 2011 at Amazon.com!
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