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Earth Squadron Action Figure Prototype Complete. We plan to make 8 to 10 action figures over the next few years. The prototype of the first figure is now done and almost ready for production. Pray for us. We may just be ready to go to market by year's end. Just in time for Christmas and Kwanza. If you would like to see the preliminary pics of the main character. Please visit. Every $20 donation is basically a pre-order for an action figure and trading card. If you donate, please leave us you contact info, full name, address, phone and email address.
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New-Wave TrajectoryClick to order via AmazonHardcover: 304 pagesPublisher: Ohio State University Press; 2 edition (May 8, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0814210783Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science Fiction's NewestNew-Wave Trajectory, edited by Marleen S. Barr, is the firstcombined science fiction critical anthology and short storycollection to focus upon black women via written and visual texts.The volume creates a dialogue with existing theories of Afro-Futurism in order to generate fresh ideas about how to apply race toscience fiction studies in terms of gender. The contributors,including Hortense Spillers, Samuel R. Delany, Octavia E. Butler,and Steven Barnes, formulate a woman-centered Afro-Futurism byrepositioning previously excluded fiction to redefine sciencefiction as a broader fantastic endeavor. They articulate a platformfor scholars to mount a vigorous argument in favor of redefiningscience fiction to encompass varieties of fantastic writing and,therefore, to include a range of black women's writing that wouldotherwise be excluded. Afro-Future Females builds upon Barr'sprevious work in black science fiction and fills a gap in theliterature. It is the first critical anthology to addressthe "blackness" of outer space fiction in terms of feminism,emphasizing that it is necessary to revise the very nature of agenre that has been constructed in such a way as to exclude its newblack participants. Black science fiction writers alter genreconventions to change how we read and define science fiction itself.The work's main point: black science fiction is the most excitingliterature of the nascent twenty-first century.About the Editor: Marleen S. Barris a science fiction pioneer who broke new ground in feministscience fiction criticism with her book Alien to Femininity:Speculative Fiction and Feminist Theory. She won the Science FictionResearch Association Pilgrim Award for Lifetime Achievement inscience fiction criticism.
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Sarah Caullings Private Journal 4

Why couldn’t it be contained? Why could we not control it? The purpose of the virus seemed so clear to me, yet the way it evolved from host to host made it so complex. We were such fools to think that we could control such an intense for of nature. I was such a fool to think that I could escape fates cruel joke. I was so selfish to allow things to get this far yet blame everyone else for my families fate.I still remember the day the corpses were brought back from Japan. There was a big commotion about it because there were a slew of company policies that were being broken. First was the willful contamination of this entire country by bringing a foreign virus with no known cure across the ocean. There were also the typical customs violations being broken by both governments. As well as what some could argue as aiding in the genocide on numerous Japanese citizens. Nevertheless, the male and female corpses were brought to the port of our branch office in Georgia where they stayed in cryogenic stasis for the next six months. During that time, and unknown to the world public as well as much of the CDC, there was an ongoing debate as to what should be done with these two guests.There were many arguments, more for then against I should add, about the benefits of keeping and researching this new virus. Myriam Stanley, public relations director, stated that having such a deadly virus brought into the United States was deadly two fold. First being that no one civilian knew that they were being placed in such incredible danger. The public would turn rabid on the CDC if word got out that we were playing with their lives in such an underhanded way. Second, she stated that if word got out to other countries that the CDC was working on a virus that had already claimed hundreds of lives, there would be rumors of chemical warfare and a third world war may be on the horizon. As much as we all wish we had heeded her warnings, the words from the Board of Directors spokesperson Craig Bernard were the most damaging to Myriam’s cause. Craig started with the typical bureaucratic speech of how ludicrous it was for anyone to believe that it was possible that a war could start under scientific premises. “Plausible Deniability” was one of the phrases he used, as well as “Selective Disinformation.” What he was saying was that regardless of what happened with the virus we could deny the entire story or selectively tell the media and public whatever information makes them feel better about our findings. He went a few steps further and said that, “It is our duty as public humanitarians to try and help humanities odds of survival against any threats be it biologically human made or born in the wild.” You would be surprised at how many people by the idea that playing God is plausible when given the right monkey see monkey do show.After hearing the same rhetoric back and forth I decided to stand in and make my point. I stated that it was no one’s intent to mislead or hinder the public in any way. Regardless of what happens with the virus the CDC will hold full accountability to it. I stated regardless of the humanitarian rights that our company held to, we have already thrown them all out of the window for individual self-exploiting reason. We were already in the middle of an election year as well as a possible recession that had American and many other nations on the verge of financial down turn. With so much negative on the worlds plate the ability to use one of the most lethal viruses to help humanity would give light and a new cause for many people to get behind and stand for. Was the world or my family my biggest concern when I made my speech? Honestly, no. My newly found breast cancer made my choice long before this meeting convened. Hearing two years before during a random check up that a tumor was found in my right breast and one year later that another tumor was found, I was at a point in my life that anything that would save me was worth ANY risk. Hindsight being what it is I now know that it was no one but I that dealt the death blow to human kind. Once the meeting adjourned the Board of Directors met again and decided that tests would proceed on the virus in an attempt to unlock the secrets to its regenerative properties.What brought me to the Center for Disease Control in the mid-nineties originally was not the thirst for knowledge or even the idea to help humanity over come natures most vile plagues. It was a pure unadulterated want to secure a place for myself and my family amongst the fittest. A want to have my name with the greats of history for the entire world to know that I helped stop another killer from wiping out an entire people. With that want and drive I dedicated my entire life to observing, learning about, and watching the different virus’s and illnesses across the world wipe out entire populations. Today I stand on a platform that will now end the lives of what seems to be some of the last survivors in Concord North Carolina. It does not matter anymore how this has happened, only that in end in the most just and swift manner possible.Sarah Caullings CDC Q.A Administrator
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Sarah Caullings Private Journal 3

If any of my journals are being read, I imagine that I am either dead or under investigation by the United States government as well as many others. I cannot say that the leaving of these journals is any attempt to clear myself of any wrong doing in this specific incident. Rather these journals are my attempt to shed light on a matter that may very well cost the entire population of the world their lives. I am just as responsible if not more so than the virus for the deaths of so many people, that at this moment I cannot concern myself with the personal repercussions of airing the dirtiest laundry that the world has ever known. The events in these journals are true the last details. NO names have been withheld, unless they were not known to me. Max….Charles, I am so sorry for what I have had to do.Our days ago my team landed in South St. Paul Minnesota for quarantine and pacification. There were a few plans considered on how to perform this task in the least riskful way. There was nothing that I could say to my team or higher ups that could sway their decision, so all I asked was that they allow me to quarantine my neighborhood. Even though my area was of a decent size, my conscience would not allow that many people to go in with gun blazing with no mercy and no heart to kill those that I’ve known for many years. The final agreement was that I would come back in town and go about my normal day. While I was acting as basic bait for the others, two of the six members left in my team would go through the area at night and cleanse it of any non-essential personnel.I called home as I usually do after I’ve been away for some time and had my husband Charles invite a few of the local CDC girls to the house for dinner. This is something that we do to welcome each other back after a long time off, as well as to catch up on the latest gossip. The only difference this time is that some of the girls knew why I had left in the first place. Dinner started at around seven and my started quietly gathering residents at seven thirty. After dinner, Charles volunteered himself to clean up so that the girls and I could go chat in the living room and have a few drinks. I’m not sure if it was the drinks or the food, but there was an air of tension so think that I thought I was being strangled by the looks in the room. Gladys Walsh finally cut the nerves in the room by saying that, “The business I had been tending to was a little to hush hush,” for her liking, and that there is no reason for me to keep everything so quiet to them all of a sudden. This sparked the rest of the women to throw their ill mannered tempers into the fray and open the door for a conversation that my home was not the place for. Bethany Hayden actually said that the company was getting what it deserved by having this virus run loose with no way for us to control it. By that time, I lost all control over my usual patient self, and told them all to leave. Had they known that I had come back in an attempt to help save their lives, they have reacted a little different to this situation. I know they were surprised to have been kicked out, because they slammed their car and my house doors so hard that I thought they were going to come off the hinges.When I came back in I saw Charles talking to Max about eaves dropping on other people’s conversations and how he should know better than to do such a thing. I couldn’t bear to watch my son in his final hours being yelled at by my husband, so I went upstairs and took a long cold shower to help calm my nerves.Late that night I made contact with my team who informed me that Gladys Walsh was dead. Her husband Nate had been infected and murdered her sometime in the night after she had gotten home. The problem now was that Nate was nowhere to be found. The teams where on the verge of breaking cover and calling in extra help when I ordered them to stand their ground. Maybe it was my voice or maybe it was the fact that they knew how close I was to the Walsh’s, but they listened somewhat and told me that I had twenty four hours to take him down before they acted. I went back to bed at around 4 a.m. and found Charles waiting up for me. He has a way for knowing when things are building up inside of me, and for the life of me I can never hold back from him. So, in a last attempt at stopping him before I let everything come pouring out of me I kissed him. I kissed him so passionately that he completely submitted himself to me. We made love for the last time for two hours before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms.I awoke again yesterday morning at around eleven o’clock after a long night of tossing and turning to find my home was empty. I went in the living room and found my little max, Mighty Max, on the couch playing his Xbox online. I asked him if he knew where his father was, and he told me that he went out for a round of golf a few hours ago and would be back later. After making sure the area was relatively safe, I told Max that I was going to see the Walsh’s and would be back in a few hours or so. I left in my little Ford Taurus at twelve o’clock to see if I could find the late Nathan Walsh before anymore harm could be done. For the entire ride I had my silenced nine millimeter pistol on my side next to my portable stun gun just in case the situation turned bad very quickly. After driving for about an hour I decided to recircle the area back towards my house. I figured that maybe my target had taken the back yards and snuck by me when I was passing through.When I made my way to my back yard I saw it. Nate Walsh on the ground with an incredible wound to his head, and Max running in the house with blood on his arm. My heart dropped when I saw what happened. I ran over to Nate quickly and put one solid shot between his eyes to make sure that he would not come back. I radioed my team that the target was neutralized and needed an immediate evacuation of his body. Within a few moments I had taken his body to the side of the house so that my team could come in and take the murdering bastard away from my house. They asked if there had been and casualties, and me being the good soldier that I am, I told them about Max. My team wanted to go ahead and secure my home as well, but I assured them that I would handle it. After a few moments of sly glances they agreed on another twenty four hours before they would return to clear out the entire area. In those twelve hours they were to sweep the rest South St. Paul and debrief and decontaminate all personnel.Charles returned home at about 4 p.m. I waited to go back into the house because I didn’t want Max to think that I had seen what happened with Nate. The entire rest of the night Max was incredible quiet not to mention wearing a long sleeve shirt. Charles made a comment about wearing long sleeves at this time of year, but I didn’t have the heart to join in with the joke. I excused myself from the table an hour into the dinner and when asked if I needed to talk, I told Charles that I was going to go for a midnight walk alone. I left the house and ran as fast as I could down the street towards and old shallow lake. I’m not sure how long I was there, but I know that I have never in my life cried as much as I did then. How was I supposed to Kill the only two people that were left in my life in cold blood? How was I supposed to be a part of a plan that was set in motion because of my very actions? Easy. Because Charles and Max were dead the second that this virus was allowed to leave Japan. After a few hours of soul searching and begging to God to allow my family and friends safe passage into Heaven I made my way back to the house into a warm yet cold bed.This morning was much the same as yesterday. I awoke to a seemingly empty house at around 10 a.m. I cleaned myself up and picked up my firearm and made way for the living room. With my silencer attached I knew that their deaths would be quick and relatively painless. As I made my way into the kitchen I saw the second sight of the week that completely broke my spirit. I imagine that Charles was making dinner when it happened. Max was on top of him literally eating his throat. I hope that it happened quickly, but I know it was torture. Seeing his only son walking limply towards him moaning in a lifeless dirge. Knowing Charles he probably went to see what was wrong with him up close when Mighty Max locked his teeth into his neck. As soon as I came into the room max looked up from his breakfast appetizer towards his new entrée. He locked our eyes for a few moments and stared at each other with what was probably the same gaze. Both of us now heartless soulless shells of what we were. I called his name twice with no response. Max looked through me with a gaze so menacing that I chilled my bones. Once our dancing waltz was over Max made his move. He leapt towards me with a speed that I thought only a world class sprinter would have. But just as soon as he was up running he was down on his back with a dime sized hole smoking from his head. The training from the NSA must have paid off, because I didn’t even realize that I pulled the trigger. Once my job in my former house was done I called for my evac. squad so that I could leave that place once and for all.With that task finally completed the rest of the team meet up so for briefing on Able squads mission in North Carolina. The task of blacking out the area went off without a hitch, at least until the power came back on a few hours later. Able is still in the area, but they are asking for our assistance in controlling the area. Now that I have completed a job that has left me without a family, friends, or a home I could care less about where we go. I’ve been to Hell, and while I was there I sent everyone I love to Heaven.Sarah Caullings CDC Q.A Administrator
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Sarah Caullings Private Journal 2

So much death. So many good innocent people now lost because of our misguided actions. This was never meant to cause such a tragedy, but it shall go down in history as the single most destructive event in the history of man. Maybe this is how Judgment Day was supposed to come. Maybe this is the will of God that we have acted out. Man against man, in a battle for supremacy; Darwin's survival of the fittest at its most extreme. No….. this is no biblical prophecy. We get no pass from the death that we have caused this day. This is the most self-fish act of man that has ever come to pass.Had I known that in my tenure with the CDC would involve being a part of a "Quarantine Group", which in actuality is nothing more than a death squad, I imagine I would not have given so much of my life to this agency. Granted, not every supervisor is required to go through military weapons training, it is necessary for any individual that travels to countries and areas of the United States that have pose a possible threat on a global scale. Just as well, not many individuals that are not a part of the specific training even know of its existence. I myself am no completely sure that this is the first time that the order has been given to use this defense training in such an obviously aggressive manner. Some of my co-worker that have been with the Center a bit longer than I have seem to know the basic drills and nuances by heart and feel. It's as if they've been in the situation before, even though the entire time that I have been here no one has come across and anything more than the typical bookworm/science geek stereotype.It's been a few weeks since the original outbreak shook the CDC to its core, and we are still no better off than we began. We've begun pacifying known regions that have been infected by the modified virus with less than stellar results. Two teams, Bravo and Charlie, have been blacked out for the past forty-eight hours. We have limited information regarding their current situation, except that they reached their respective quarantined zones on schedule and have been out of contact since landing conformation was made. It is believed that the combined efforts of the CDC and the NSA's black-ops groups underestimated the numbers and effectiveness of the virus when the strike force plans were made. To imagine that there are so many of these things that they could overwhelm two incredibly strong mobile groups has me quite worried.There has been some amount of success with this mass quarantine initiative. Though there are still many internet posts being made on numerous websites, most notably in a rural area of North Carolina, we have been able to intercept the majority of them before there is lot of commotion about credibility. This gave us a chance to find the exact area that the survivors are located so that we could secure any individuals that could cause any damage on a national level to our primary objective. The plan that we have for that specific area is multi phase. First, we are to cause a mass power outage that will give our people a chance to get in without being seen. Then we will escort our "guests" to an unknown location for debriefing and decontamination. I hope that this will give us some insight as to the level of threat we are dealing with as well as shed a new light on how we may be able to end this plague once and for all.Now though comes my hardest task, the pacification of my home city. It has been passed own from the top that there has been an outbreak and all are to be decontaminated. In my heart, I know what that means, but I have not yet been able to accept the idea. My group will be leaving soon, so I will end this journal with hope. Hope that the world will forgive its people for causing damage that may never be undone. Hope that my family and friends can find it in their souls and hearts to forgive me for doing what I have to do next. Hope that there will be an end to this without anymore needless bloodshed. Without that hope, I have less than nothing to hold to.Sarah Caullings CDC Q.A Administrator
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Day Eleven

Day Eleven (revised)Told you I'd be back didn't I. Just in time to tell you that we have all officially lost our shit. I am not joking, playin around, or bullshitting in any way. We are all officially committable as of yesterday. How do I know this you might ask? Easy, cause I have never laughed so hard in mu friggin life. And I imagine that if you saw a couple of slow walking douches that were trying to eat your face off slipping on cooking oil you'd laugh to.So here's where we stand as of now. April and Dog boy are history. No one knows for sure where they went, but they are nowhere to be found. I can't say that I honestly care at this moment, because they knew the consequences before the stepped outside. I think for the most part the rest of the group thinks the same thing of them. To throw their own lives away out of pure selfishness in light of what happened to their supposed friends shows the types of people that they really were. Granted April probably was the most gullible of all of u, she still knew what was going on regardless of what Cujo told her. Two people short made the rescue mission that much harder. I mean hell I would have happily tossed both of their dumb asses in front of me as a shield, or loved to pop one between their eyes after they turned into type three's.Regardless of being to retards short, having a resolve as steeled as ours made us nothing short of unstoppable. I'd say ask the dumbies (dumb zombies) but if they could talk, there weren't many left in the manhole area once we were done reigning fire and pissin bullets. The Pipe bomb idea worked damn well. We made a concoction of live ammo ammonia and some other stuff that Brian got off of the internet. The way we rolled out of the garage with guns blazing and bombs incinerating was unbelievable. I wish I had a camera to video tape some of this stuff…..wait. Man fuck we are in Wal-Mart aren't we, why the hell didn't I think of that beforehand. Ah well, that's another days tale, in case they get Will Smith to play me in the movie. Back to the shit. We were all popping heads like piñatas full of chocolate. When we got to the manhole I think I saw Brian staring off in the woods, but I'm not sure what caught his attention. It may have been what I think is called the thousand yard stare. Something that war vets get when they've been in the field to long. Whatever it was didn't last long, because he got his head back in it when Freddie dropped the manhole cover back down. That's when we unloaded on the rest of them full throttle like world was gonna end.It's kinda like we're moving in sequence now. I guess after being in this type of position for over a week we've started to know and trust each other more. Once we got inside Fred hit the door but it was delayed to long. Tough shit for them. We didn't care anymore quite honestly. And to prove it Brian went over to his computer and jumped on the internet in the middle of the fight. What a fucker right?Now back to the really funny shit after our little Patrick Swayze Wolverines rescue mission we were swarmed with those things. We finally started to gain the upper hand on them using a hell of a lot of our ammo when we made it to the roof of the garage. For some reason we thought it would be funny to see how these things react to cooking oil in their current walking state. We drilled huge holes in the roof and poured down ridiculous amount of cooking oil and watched Ice Skating with the Undead right in front of our eyes. Now imagine if you will, someone that limps and pulls one leg as they are walking. Got that. Now imagine that same person walking sliding around like Disney on Ice. There aren't many things that can make me cry in a good way, but I'm telling you That is one of them. Wanna know what another one of those things is. How bout me deciding to go down stairs and start up some of the service equipment. One of the things in the garage grabbed a hold of the automatic tire remover and got its hand yanked clean off. And the Stupid thing just stood there. It was just looking and staring aimlessly like it didn't know what was going on.Once they were all completely incapacitated we went down stairs I cleats so we could walk, and popped them once in between the eyes to end the day. Brian and Mastaff put kitty litter over the floor to soak up all of the oil. One of these days we're going to have to get to the truck, so we're gonna need to keep the garage safe for us. What a day. At least we survived this one without anymore loses. Ya know, these guys aren't so bad after all.
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Day Ten

It's like all we are is flies waiting to get swatted down. The plan somewhat worked, but now we're down three more people. Will gave his life trying to help get the power back on, and April and Cujo have gone A.W.O.L on us. Things are a bit hectic right now so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.About two days back when the power went out on us we came up with a plan to get everything back on. We were still using the exercise bikes as back-ups while Freddie finalized his plan to get the main grid back up. He main plan was to have Freddie go through a man hole to get to the generators and have Will standing ready as in case he had to go in after him. Keyser and Brian had taken their places on the roof to provide cover fire while Fred was going down. From what I was told there were a few stragglers that got past Brian and Keyser, so will was going to move around and take them out. Since he wasn't as use to repelling as Freddie was wound up kicking himself of too much that he slices his hand on a piece of metal as he tried to catch himself. That was pretty much it for him. He dropped down about half the way to the ground right above a pack of teeth. Brian and Keyser tried to pull him up, but with so much literal dead wait pulling back it was hopeless.Now here comes the funnest part. While I'm keeping an eye on the inside as Mastaff is riding the cycle, I notice April and Cujo are nowhere in sight. I tell Mastaff to hold tight for a minute while I went scout for them. As soon as I turn the corner into the grocery aisle I see the two of them grabbing as much food and supplies as their greedy bodies could handle. As best as I can figure between dog boy's best friend getting killed and April's near death experience with him, the decided that making a run for it was a good option. Whatever it was I guess they didn't expect to see me looking for them. I imagine that they thought I would be too preoccupied to notice that they were gone. I spoke to both of them at the same time and see who would blame what and what bullshit excuse would get thrown out. Needless to say I was pretty much head on with my assumption. April starting balling say that she was scared and too young to die (which how a 45 year old with talon's claws replacing her crow's feet is young I dunno) and that Cujo promised her that he knew a way out of everything. Cujo in turn says that he'd rather face those things outside than sit in her and end up like Theresa. I held myself in check as best as I could and tried to stroke their ego's a little bit. I told Cujo that he was the bravest on out of us all, and the April had a knack for solving problems that was invaluable. This proves that God isn't watching us, cause if he had been I would have been struck down right there for telling that massive ass lie. At about that same time I hear the others coming back, so I gather the moron squad and head back to Mastaff.That basically catches everything up to about 3 hours ago. Brian's taking the loss of Will and the near desertion of April and Cujo pretty bad. I had to talk him out of shooting them both on the spot for being so stupid. Right now we're getting a plan together to go and get Freddie, but it's gonna be tough. I'll see if I can whip up some pipe bombs and gather what all ammo we have left. Ya know, with all of this happening how could it be that NO ONE has gotten a whiff of the chaos that's been going on. There's no way that an entire city can be massacred and no one have any idea about it. Well that's a question for later, right now we've got some heads to bust. I Will post again.
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Sarah Caullings Private Journal 1

It's finally happening and I can't stop it. I told them that this day was going to come, but they didn't listen. They've activated their total quarantine initiative but I fear that it is all too late. Though all the tests showed mixed results they went ahead with this….procedure that we shall all pay the final price for. This has cost me so much so far, that I can no longer hold it to myself; this has to get out so that someday someone may now the true story. My name is Sarah Caullings, Quality Assurance (Q.A) Administrator for the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and I have helped cause the end of humanity.This all began five years ago while working on a vaccine for a new strand of bird flu in western Japan. While CDC scientists where helping the Japanese government quarantine the sectors that had been compromised and called a lost, some in the group noted a small number of the infected going through mutations. These mutations consisted of loss in skin pigmentation, major sickness resembling the flu and late stages of typhoid, and eventually death. Though this was all noted in the reports given by all of the CDC and Japanese scientists involved, the one major fact that was left out is that these same individuals that had died where somehow revived.It is believed that the original strain of bird flu had adapted to the climate and conditions of the countryside, as well as the different species of life in the region. Though it is an unbelievable idea, I believe that there was one host strain that traveled through many life forms starting with a human and ending in another human. I believe that this one host gathered enough information about other organism's bodies and immune systems that it was able to adapt its new form to act as a life support system to whomever it attaches to. Much like many reptiles can regenerate a limb I believe that this strain regenerates its host's organs that are lost during the mutation. Whatever the cause maybe the board of directors saw fit to leave this information out of the official documents until further tests where finished.There were many individuals including myself who were opposed to the idea that came next. The bodies were deemed property of the Japanese government and ordered to be burned in an attempt to kill of any of the virus that may be left. During the gathering and "cleansing" of any civilians that had contracted this new strain two bodies, one male and one female, where "lost" in transportation. Though all that were on scene, including the Japanese scientists, knew that the bodies were taken to be brought back for testing no one spoke the truth. Some of them stated that they were scared to speak out for fear of condemnation; many of them thought that the idea of studying such a unique virus was too great a chance to pass up regardless of the circumstances and risks. Had any one person stood against this decision from the beginning I doubt we would be in such a condition that we are in now.The part that I have played in this symphony will come to the fore later. At this point in time I am a part of one of many cleanup crews scattered across the country by the powers that be that are trying to salvage this situation. There have been internet posts near daily that speak of the "undead" that are attacking different cities. Some unknown players have stepped in to play parent over many popular internet websites to keep a firm grip on an activity that many not be conducive to the Powers final plan. I pray that as many lives may be saved before the total quarantine is in effect. The first stop for my quarantine group is my home town of South St. Paul Minnesota, then my group is heading to North Carolina for a total pacification. May God have mercy on all of our souls, or at least those who deserve it.Sarah Caullings CDC Q.A Administrator
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Personal Journal 2

Personal Journal 2That fucking Brian and his smart-ass ideas. Ok so the plan worked in getting the others here, but now the powers out. It was delayed a good bit, but I think that's because the shock wave from the blast shorted out a few wires in the line. There may be some shrapnel in the side of one of the boxes outside of here or something. I dunno, but whatever it has us in a world of shit right now.This Freddie dude use to work for an electric company around here, so any knowledge he has is going to come in handy with this one. The generators that we're going to have to access are underground, because if they were conveniently located in a safe spot where no one would have any problems getting to them something Really bad could happen. The plan that I've come up with is kinda simple I think. I want to re-wire some of the exercise equipment to power the store. It's not that big of a task, it's just very time consuming. I had to first get all of the bikes positioned in key parts of the store, then I had to take off all of the base coverings to access the wiring, and then I had to try and not electrocute myself.While the others were off securing some of the more vulnerable spots, like the electric door and gates, Brian stayed back and watched my back. That last run in with the type three's kinda got me to think a little different about the guy. He's actually kinda funny. He was telling me stories of his wife, Brandi I think, and some of the get togethers they would have. All together, he has three children, two that are hers and one that they have together. I gotta give it to the guy, if I was in that kinda family position I would have lost my head a long time ago. Anyway, he helped a little with some of the lifting of the bikes that made the day go a little bit faster. Once we were done with the bikes, we made out a routine that would make even Richard Simmons happy. We're going to ride the bikes for about three people at a time rotating ever hour or so. This will build up enough voltage to power the freezers, electric gates, and some of the cooling systems. It's not perfect, but it's what we've got for now.Right now I've gotta head over to meet with Brian Freddie and Kiser to make a plan on getting the main generators back on. Hopefully God won't feel the need to flush the proverbial toilet while we're getting this one together. Next time someone passes the collection plate to me I'm taking the cash for extra insurance, cause this crap has gotta be covered somewhere. I'll have to check with state farm or all state later for shitty timing insurance.
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Day Eight

I love when thing go Boom! The plan that Brian came up with worked like a charm. We loaded the charger up with a ton of propane and aerosol cans and sent it into the abyss of walking douches out front. Cujo and Will popped a couple of rounds into her and that was it for at least a few of them. The other people that were in the rig came barreling through making speed bumps out of the anything else that was in there way and almost leveling the store as well. Mastaff, Freddie and Kizer are there names. Ok side note here. Parents stop doing drugs, cause this is what can happen to your kids, they'll make dumb names for themselves. Anyway two of the guys are fairly large and look as they could hold their own in a tussle, bu the other one is kinda small; I guess you could say wirey. None of that matters though all that matters is that we're safe for now and we have a few more minds that can help if things go…..You've Gotta Be Fuckin Shittin Me!!! The Power's Out!!!! Shit!
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Day Seven

She's Dead. Theresa is gone. Regardless of all of the things that we did to keep this place safe, they got her and I couldn't save her. I swear I never wanted this to happen, not to any of us. I don't know how to feel not at all. I know I've said some things to her and about her that weren't great and were sometimes rude, but for it to end like this. Why?After the video stronghold thing was set up everyone met to chill out and get there mind of things for a while. I honestly had my mind set on hanging with them, but when I reached for a less that "manly" drink, at least to some, Brian made a few wise ass comments that I didn't feel where that funny. I went off by myself to get some sleep instead of putting him in his place once and for all. I don't know this kid from Adam, yet for some reason I don't some much care for him. I guess he's just doing his best to stay alive like the rest of us, but I dunno it's just weird. Anyway on my way back I went ahead, grabbed a gun from the back, and stocked up on some clips just in case. That thing with Terry shook me up a bit, and I didn't wanna be caught off guard if the shit hits again. After that I made my way over to the middle of the arts section with my sleeping bag and dug in for the night.Screams were all I heard, from everywhere. It startled me obviously because when I left everyone was laughing and playing around. I made my way back to electronics, when I saw it. Theresa on the ground being……EATEN. I don't know how they got in, but there were so many of them that I froze. I was scared outta my mind. April and Will bolted past me without a second glance, and Cujo was nowhere in sight. I was about to head out myself when I saw Brian on the ground. One of those things had grabbed him and was about to make his night over really quick. I didn't have time to think about it only act. I ran over and kicked the thing as hard as I could in the head. I tried to take it off, but it didn't happen I had to pop one in its head just to make sure though. Cujo had left his piece while he was pussing out so I tossed mine to Brian and grab the other one so we could lay waste to the place. I'd say there were a good nine or so of those things coming full steam at us and let me tell you a bullet to the face will drop them just the same. I think I got a good half of them but there's no way to tell since it was dark and bullets were everywhere. Once we were done there was no real communication between Brian and I, we kinda silently thanked each other and called it even. Theresa got one between her eyes just to be safe and we tossed her off the roof for better measure.So now here we are. We've designated shifts for watch to make sure that attack doesn't get repeated later on. We've also had a new development with some other people. Cujo's country upbringing finally came in handy. He for some odd reason is like a c.b. radio guru or whatever and got some signal on a rig down the road from here. Three or four people are trapped and have been looking for help for a good while now. Fun part is, they aren't being given a passing glance. They've been fairly quiet and the type three's keep walking by them. Lucky fucks. Brian has some plan that he's gonna try to put into motion involving a Dodge Charger, propane tanks, and Cujo with a gun. This is gonna end so bad. We'll see how that goes, and if I'm not rotisserie I'll fill the blanks in later.
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Day Six

Once again we're fucked. Ok so I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but by no means in this place am I the dumbest. The Dude Brian I was talking about that Terry has now died for. Well he came up with this wonderful idea to make a "stronghold" IN THE FUCKING ELECTRONICS SECTION. I don't get it. What could I have done that was so bad that I wind up with these schmucks.Anyway back to Terry. Not much longer after he was bitten he started to take ill. He turned different colors and began to vomit, amongst other things, profusely. We tried to clean off his wounds as best as possible but it seemed like nothing would work. About two days ago he finally died from complications. Well we thought he died. We were thinking about tossing his body off the roof, because I for one don't feel like sleeping with someones dead grandpa looking over my shoulder. Well once again Dog boy Cujo and america's hero Brian objected. Brian was yapping about him being saved by Terry and not wanting to turn on him like that blah, blah, blah, blah. I swear it's like being on Maury with all these emotions. Well to appease those two we decided to lock the corpse away in one of the unused sections of the store.While the others were tending to the t.v.s and garbage I saw April walking towards the garage because she heard something. Well since the only thing in there was Terry's body I got a little nervous. I made my way towards the others to let them know what was up and told April to stay til I got back. Well guess who didn't listen. While she decides to go Joan of Ark and all amazon alone she almost gets her face bitten off. I see her runnin her pancake ass off towards me and she almost knocks me out. I look behind her and I see Terry moaning and walking even though was just carried his lifeless body out. I was trying to push her off of me so I could atleast fight when I see Terrys head pop like a water ballon. I turn and see Brian standing somewhat shaky with a gun in his hand. Even though I could have managed if April had gotten off of me I thanked Brian for his effort. After that Cujo went stupid and started tossing Burning Bottles of beer off the roof and almost catches dumbass on fire. Humanities savior Brian once again came to the rescue because if he doesn't I guess we're all screwed. Whatever.Since then I've kinda been to myself. I don't care much to socialize on normal situations because I don't really trust people. I can't say that this experience is really making matters any better. Everytime I try and add any insight into the situation either Brian, Will, or April butt in. Cujo is sulking cause he lost his best friend, and Theresa is just stupid and useless. I'm trying to come around somewhat, but it's hard for me to deal and trust people. Well, I have to do something, because right now we're all that's left. Will mentioned something about a drinking game or something that I was about to go to, but the second I reached for a Bacardi Brian started talkin trash. Fuck that guy. Well I'm off to bed. Hopefully there will be a tomorrow.By the way would someone tell me what the fuck a "Stronghold" is.
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Max Caullings

Alright, where do I begin? Ummmmm… name is Max Caullings and I'm 16 year old. Some of my friends call me Mighty Max from some old cartoon, and I'm from South Saint Paul Minnesota. I'm an only child and there aren't many other kids around her to play or hangout with, so I usually wind up getting into something around the house that gets mom pissy. I guess I'm writing this because some odd things have been going on around town in the last two weeks or so I can't remember anymore. I started seeing a couple of blogs posts on the internet around a week or so after things started getting weird up this way. One of the funny things is that the posts were coming from different areas of the country. Ummmm……..there were a few posts in North Carolina and another one I think in New York. All of the posts were about some infection of disease that had hit areas that lead to people attacking and killing each other lol. At first I got a little scared because I was thinking that there might have been some type of terrorist attack. Some friends and I were thinking that maybe some more…… what are they called…..afgans, no, ummmmm…..Muslims that's it Muslims had attacked the states and were releasing gasses or something and messing people up. Well after a day or so the posts were removed and at the bottom of the pages it said, "Removed by the user," or, "violation of terms and services." Either way I stopped seeing those specific posts and noticed not many chat rooms were talking about it either. After another day or so I figured it was some random hoax that someone was playing on MySpace. Maybe someone decided to get a couple of e-mail addresses, make different accounts with different names, and start some net story. Anywho I think a few nights ago I noticed my mom and some of her work friend talking about some outbreak in a city down below us. Some of her friends were saying that they knew this was gonna happen sooner or later cause people were getting careless at The Center for Disease Contracts or something, I just call them the CDC. My mom was saying that they were overreacting and to keep a level head. She always knows how to calm situations down when people start to get ahead of themselves. This really itches.Anyway, they started to argue alittle bit about how no one in the government is gonna come save them when the shit hits the fan, whatever that means, and that maybe they deserved it for being so careless. I'm not sure what happened next cause at that same time my dad came in a busted me for eaves dropping. he wasn't to mad which surprised me, but he sent me to my room and grounded me for the night. I wish I knew what else was said, because I heard doors slamming and then the other ladies left. I guess my mom was kinda upset because she didn't come in and yell at me like she usually does when I do stupid stuff. The rest of the night was normal I guess, I went to sleep and tried to get everything off of my mind and not worry. Now this brings me to yesterday. My head doesn't feel good. Sometime around one in the afternoon I heard a loud noise from behind the house. I went outside to see what was going on and I saw one of our neighbors wandering through moms garden. She Loves that freaking thing more than dad and I. Well, maybe not, but sometimes it feels like that sometimes. Anyways, i got over to him to see if he was ok (he was moving around like he was drunk or somthing) when I noticed he was bleeding a little bit. I called his name, ummmmm what was it Mr………Walsh. Yeah Walsh, at least I think so anyway. But yeah, I called out to him and he didn't respond. I called him few more times and told him that if momma catches him she's gonna get both of us. He still didn't seem to understand me so I went over to him to grab his shirt. Right when I did he turned around really fast and jumped on me lol. When he jumped I moved back at the last second and he wound up grabbing a hold of my leg. My stomach hurts. I was fighting him of, or at least trying to when he bit me. THAT FUCKER BIT ME!!! I usualy dont swer but hurt. Right ater he bit me I got over to a shovel and slapped him in the head. I may not be the biggest kid around, but I gave it everything I had. I thought I had killed him at first, because he didn't move anymore. I didn't care, I just ran in the house as fas as I could. I guess I didn't hurt him to bad because when I looked back for him after clenin the bit he was gon. I hope his wife has fun dealing with that kinda crap lol. I didn't tell my family about the bit cause they'd have found some way to…………what? Now I went to sleep and woke up today ……………………………………….. Then when wake up tis moning it was red and ful of pus. Really naty stuf. It's also been brning and iching alt. my head has been hrtin an it getin tough and tough to ink. I also got this werd taste in my mouth tat wont go away lol. I don think I'm to sck or nothin cause I still hungy. ……………. Momma I think I ned to eat somthin then il feel beter. Momma will get me somethin and mak me better……momma…………….
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The Undead Chronicles

The 11 posts that have made today are all apart of a story being written by myself and my friend Brian. In a sense it's a zombie survival thriller. it takes place with Brian and myself as the main characters, who are leaving behind their daily journals for any surviors to read. please leave comments and let me know what you think. As well you will want to read Brian's part od the story to get the full idea.thanksMattBrians posts
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Personal Journal 1

Three days off and things are no better. Terry is sick as shit with no signs of getting better. I mean I kinda guess we all know what's happening, but no one wants to say anything. These….whatever they are, people I guess, attack and bite. They aren't or at least don't seem to have much of a cognitive reasoning like normal people. Not so much to call it mental retardation or some type of brain damage so much as they just react. They seem to move on basic instincts of move, eat, and continue. That's the part that gets me. There is some type of brain activity going on; it just seems to be incredibly simple and brutal. I'll be the first to say it on here I guess. Terry is next. There's no way to be sure how exactly this started, but I can make a good bet that whatever it is it's communicable through the blood stream.I've broken down the differences of humans into three stages, or types. This information is based on the little contact and information that I've been able to gather throughout this crisis. I guess to save time I'll call the seemingly final stage type three humans. Type one humans are the everyday normal ones. Basically you, I, and anyone capable of everyday thinking and functioning on a "normal" level. Type two humans are the ones that have been "infected" such as Terry. They seem to display and incredible loss in their immune system and bowel control. It's as if their body's age and decay with every passing moment. I'll have to watch Terry a little more to see the exact process that he's going through and what develops, but right now on the second day, the effects of this bite seem to grow throughout the body.Now we come to type three humans. This is the final stage of the infection, where all but the vital movements and thought have been reduced to barbaric tendencies. They seem to move in somewhat staggering steps, that I can only imagine is because of the loss of some movement control in the process of mutation. They seem to still desire the need and want to feed on whatever they can, yet they DO NOT attack each other. This shows that somewhere within their minds lies enough activity to discern the difference between types's one and two and type three. This could be some sort of viral telepathy that is communicating on a level that cannot be seen such as the way ants and other insects communicate. It could also be that there is no communication except for visual cues that the differing types give off. Whatever that reasoning is, there is some brain activity on some incredible level that allows even the mindless to continue with basic tasks after the rest of the body has seemingly died.I'm not sure what all of this information says or even if it's accurate. I'll have to monitor the others and see if they bring any useful information to the table. I highly doubt that any of those people will be able to help me much on any level much less an intellectual one. With Terry incapacitated Will and April seem to be the ones that will try take the lead of this group. Will was the one that shoot the T3 that was coming at Brian and since then he's been the one that most of the others go to with questions. I don't know a lot about April but she seems to have her head on fairly well. She's a little older than the rest of us except for Terry and Cujo, but I think she was a supervisor or something. I may be wrong but even though she's still highly scared after what's happened she seems to have this aura of strength around her. Cujo is still in shock over what happened to Terry (they seem to be pretty close), and the others I don't know too well. Brian seems like an alright guy but he seems a little overwhelmed with what alls going on kinda the same as Theresa. I tried to talk to them a bit to see what they were both about. We got into a conversation about the state of the world and if this is some foretold, "Only the strong will survive," mess. Theresa seems to believe this is some biblical prophecy that the Mayans or someone predicted centuries ago. Either way I dropped one of my trusty English quotes on me and the seemed to buy it fairly well. Something about not losing sight of the soul yada yada and that appeased them for now.Whatever. I definitely don't see any of these people leading me through Toys R Us much less saving my life from dead people. Ah well, we'll see what happens but for now I'll hold this info to myself. It may seem self-fish but when the bullets start flying I don't want anyone coming towards me and popping off shots. There will be a need for people that can think on their feet and hold some meaningful purpose in life, and I plan to be one of those people. And besides, there's no reason to scare everyone into thinking tat the dead would be coming back for them. Hell I'm scared from that thought.
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Day One

THE FUCKING INTERNET. That's about all that's left now. Everything and most everyone is gone. And now I'm typing on the internet because that's all that's left everything that I held close. Wait, let me back up. My name is Matt Mills. I am, was, an employee of Pass and Seymour Legrand.I just finished my first semester of school at Rowan Cabarrus Community College, with straight A's I might add, and have…fuck….had the best girl friend ever. I'm not sure exactly when it started, but I know when it hit home. A few days ago, I was hangin out as I do best after a slow day of work, when the TV started goin crazy. News channels coming on with blaring sirens. Emergency networks sounding alarms as if Armageddon was comin right this second. I'm not too big into watchin the news, since all it ever shows is negative bullshit. Someone robbing someone, someone killing someone, or some war breaking out. I try to keep myself at peace most of the time, so I keep stuff like that out of my way. Well this time I should have watched a little bit closer.At some point once I got all the clutter out of my head I got the gist of what was going on. There had been mass murders taking place the likes that had never been done. Vicious Attacks! No one was shooting anyone really, just attacking and….biting them to death. Who Bites? It was as if someone brought every dumb movie to life. I checked the internet as much as I could to see what was going on. Nothing was being said in depth about the situation, actually some of the shatter started to die out a few hours later. I figured it was some mental asylum chaos that had been taken care of. Wrong!A few hours after the EBS stopped sounding I figured I'd head up to Wal-mart to do my shopping. I'd gotten paid today so I figured I might as well treat myself to some goodies. Dear God! That was the only thought in my mind when I saw it. Hundreds of people in the parking lots fighting and running. They were moving very odd like. I mean, some of them were kinda dragging around like they were limping while others were moving fairly normal. Then Boom, one of the people slammed into my jeep. Like I don't have enough scratches in it he started clawing at my door. I always lock my doors, so I figured that wouldn't be an issue. Wrong again. One of them grabbed the handles while others climbed on my hood and roof. That was that. I gunned it as hard as I could taking a few of them with me. I got to the entrance after running a few people over (I'm sorry but I wasn't gonna wait and see what happened) and ran my ass inside. Some of the crazy ones got inside but were beat back out with brooms and bats and whatever else people could find. I guess I was mistaken for one of them, because I was caught in the chin with a broom.Once the gates were down and everyone agreed that I wasn't a threat, we began to settle in and see what was going on. No one as I could tell knew a thing. I'm not surprised actually; judging by the looks and names of these folks counting was probably an issue. One guys name was Cujo. Fucking Cujo. Anyway, as soon as things seemed normal again we heard some engine revving in the parking lot. This guy named Terry came running saying that we needed to come help. Ha. I'm sitting my black ass right here. I know how this shit goes. And I was right this time. While I was telling Terry to forget this dude, he gets bit. Tough break as far as I'm concerned. I told them to just leave the doors shut because someone was liable to get hurt, and look at him now. Bless his soul though, because that bite looks bad.So now, here's what we have. Crazy people biting and fighting for no odd reason. A guy bleeding to death and turning odd colors on the floor. Some other guy who doesn't look fit to tie his shoes name after a Dog. A couple of chicks (enough said). And a dude named Brian that may have just cost us all our lives. And of course, The Fucking Internet.
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The dream of blacks making science fiction as a concept has been in the minds of many of us since we were all children watching science fiction movies and television shows such as Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Battle Star Galactic and Star Trek. Most of us have however, found that the characters that are ethnic, as a general rule most often have been relegated to secondary roles, sidekicks, stereotypes, sex objects, dope heads, not in the show at all or my favorite the first to die in the show. We however, feel it is only right to present science fiction with a different face, one that is not filled with the normal negative representation of ethnic characters. We think that it is essential for characters of all colors and creeds should be represented positively and fairly. The Digital Brothers Company is made up of individuals directly involved in a multimedia, web design, computer technology, graphic design, animation, photography and advertising. With this background coupled with talented writers, we decided to start making our own short films after seeing disappointment after disappointment in our representation in present science fiction shows. Eventually we hope to do a major feature when the opportunity presents itself. With this said we hope that you will enjoy our shows and ask that you spread the word and support us in our endeavors. As I write this, we have set the things in motion to create our first science fiction project. The story was written back in 2002 and is set to become a comic book, movie, action figure set and video game. Wish us luck and check back for more info on the project as it develops. I think what pushed me over the edges was that my 7 year old son and I were watching tv together and he asked me "Why are all the bad guys black people? " I tried my best to explain things to him as best I could. But I was ashamed that the situation was so dire that a then 1st grader could see it. So given that. I decided that since there were not enough positive images out there for him then I would create them for him.
I want to ask for your support on’s first independent movie, Earth Squadron. It’s a tale of what happens when Earth’s unwanted become its only hope. This project is sponsored by our parent company please check out the blog on TheDigitalBrothers BSFS page to find out more about it. We are trying to raise $10,000 to finance the 30 minute video movie so please donate $20 or more what you can, no amount will be turned away.

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IT’S A MIRACLE! IT’S A DRIFTER! IT’S … TEMPTATIONS MAN!The 1960s marked the birth of two of the comics industry’s first black superheroes: The Black Panther in 1966, and The Falcon in 1969. However, another African-American superhero came to life in 1969. He didn’t appear in the comics. He didn’t even have a name. He existed only in the lyrics of “I Can’t Get Next to You,” a hit song sung by the Temptations.If “Temptations Man” were an actual superhero, he would have a pretty impressive array of powers at his command. Check it out:“I can turn a gray sky blue. I can make it rain, whenever I wanted to.”This is weather manipulation, a power similar to that of Storm of the X-Men.“I can build a castle from a single grain of sand.”This is matter manipulation. Temptations Man can change not only the size of an object, but also its shape.“I can make a ship sail on dry land.”Looks like levitation here, similar to the power of the Jedi Knights in Star Wars.“I can fly like a bird in the sky.”So can about half the superheroes that were ever dreamed up, but flying is still not a bad power to have.“I can turn a river into a raging fire.”More matter manipulation … this time, transmuting substances from one form to another. Heavy-duty stuff here.“I can live forever if I so desired.”This could be immortality, invulnerability – or both.“I can turn back the hands of time, you better believe I can.”Now we’re getting into some really serious superpowers. The manipulation of time is something even Superman can’t do, although the Man of Steel does have the ability to time-travel – or at least he could many years ago, when I stopped reading comics.“I can make the seasons change, just by waving my hand.”This is similar to the weather-changing power, although in this case it seems more like the ability to raise and lower ambient temperature.“I can change anything from old to new.”Reversing the effects of wear, erosion and age … a hero with this power could put Botox out of business.Sadly, for all the powers he possesses, Temptations Man “can’t get next to” the woman he desires. But he sure could do just about anything else he wanted. Anyone trying to come up with a new superhero or super-team ought to give this old song a listen.
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