Download a copy for $0.99 on Amazon.

It's been at least a month since I looked for any new reviews on this and I was surprised that there have been two since I last checked. One 5-star, one 4, but both are fantastic. Read for yourself and download a copy!

One of the first things I read by Gerald Rice, who is a horror author living a couple of towns over from me, was a flash-fiction story called "Sparing Change." It rivaled Joe Hill and Stephen King, I swear! It was the coolest, creepiest short-short story I head read in a long time.

Since then, Gerald has put out a lot of stories, and I've read some of them. They're uniformly interesting and compelling. Where the Monsters are is one of those stories that leaves you with more questions than answers, which I love.

Are the monsters real? or is Gerald having some kind of mental break? Or a combination? I haven't re-read it, like one of the other reviewers suggested, but I think I will, to see if any of those questions get answered. Frankly, I hope they don't. It's much more interesting to put your own imagination to the task of deciding.

And even if you've already enjoyed this little gem, why not check out some of my other books?

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